Hello Hossein,

did you change passwords in ../red5/conf/red5.properties:





Ones must be the same you entered by the keytool command.




From: Hossein Dehghanpoor [mailto:hossein.dehghanp...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, November 22, 2017 9:51 PM
To: Openmeetings user-list
Subject: Re: self signed https problem


hola maxim

i googled a lot and did some thing.


here are my steps:

1- create key

2- create csr

3- request a CA to sign my csr

4- i got my crt files (but CA gave me root certificate and Intermediate cert as 
one file - so because of this i removed some parts of the commands )

5- openssl pkcs12 -export -in red5.crt -inkey red5.key -out red5.p12 -name red5 
-certfile root.crt (-certfile intermedXX.crt deleted)

6- keytool -importkeystore -srcstorepass XXX -srckeystore red5.p12 
-srcstoretype PKCS12 -deststorepass XXX -destkeystore red5/conf/keystore.jks 
-alias red5

7- keytool -import -alias root -keystore red5/conf/keystore.jks -trustcacerts 
-file root.crt

8- (keytool -import -alias intermed -keystore red5/conf/keystore.jks 
-trustcacerts -file intermedXX.crt - Deleted)

9- edited red5/conf/jee-container.xml

10- and server is listening on 443

but the connection got refused when i try to get https connection


On Wed, Nov 22, 2017 at 6:13 AM, Maxim Solodovnik <solomax...@gmail.com> wrote:

You can google it :))

Here are something to start from: 


On Wed, Nov 22, 2017 at 2:04 AM, Hossein Dehghanpoor 
<hossein.dehghanp...@gmail.com> wrote:

hello maxim

i have tried to setup self signed https on my om

according to this link:



i need tow cert files and one key file, iam i right?

so how can i generate ca.cert and red5.cert??

i got confused :))



and one thing more, can i integrate nginx and om?



Maxim aka solomax


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