"According to x265: you need to compile it from sources"
I have launched the script that is provided on the website, for
compiling from source all the ffmpeg. Should I in addiion compile
separately x265 ? In case yes, where can I find instructions for doing so ?
Le 12/11/2017 à 13:01, Maxim Solodovnik a écrit :
Google Chrome supports Flash Player .....
I'm using it all the time on different OSes
OM still uses Flash for Audio/Video
According to x265: you need to compile it from sources
On Sun, Nov 12, 2017 at 2:38 PM, Jacob Ouanounou <nav...@free.fr
<mailto:nav...@free.fr>> wrote:
I have tried to install OM4.0 using the tutorial there :
and I get this error :
ERROR: x265 not found using pkg-config
after that line
rm -f .install-srcs
Does anyone have an idea ?
Thank you
Le 12/11/2017 à 08:10, Jacob Ouanounou a écrit :
Hi Maxim,
I have seen that OM4.0 is now released. It's great because I was
waiting for that version, since Google Chrome does not support
anymore Flash Player. But it seems that the viedo is still based
on Flash ... Am I wrong ?
Maxim aka solomax