Thanks again :)

I've added user@ list so others can use your script :)

On Wed, Oct 18, 2017 at 10:17 PM, Jacob Wenzel <>

> Fixed a few typos and added a script, that can repeat the process on
> renewal :)
> ------------------------------------
> RTMPS/HTTPS in OpenMeetings with letsencrypt (Replace [OM server FQDN]
> with your actual OpenMeetings FQDN)
>    1. cd to your red5/conf dir
>    2.
>    Export existing keys into PKCS12 format:
>    openssl pkcs12 -export -in /etc/letsencrypt/live/[OM server FQDN]/cert.pem 
> -inkey /etc/letsencrypt/live/[OM server FQDN]/privkey.pem -out red5.p12 -name 
> red5 -certfile /etc/letsencrypt/live/[OM server FQDN]/chain.pem
>    Enter Export Password: password
>    Verifying - Enter Export Password: password
>    3.
>    Import resulting red5.p12 into keystore:
>    keytool -importkeystore -srcstorepass password -srckeystore red5.p12
>    -srcstoretype PKCS12 -deststorepass password -destkeystore keystore.jks
>    -alias red5
>    4.
>    Import your letsencrypt certificate into the keystore
>    keytool -import -alias root -keystore keystore.jks -trustcacerts -file
>    /etc/letsencrypt/live/[OM server FQDN]/chain.pem
>    5.
>    Copy keystore to truststore
>    cp keystore.jks trustscore.jks
>    SSL for the web interface and Tunneling RTMPS
>    6. Edit ./jee-container.xml file
>    - Comment Tomcat without SSL enabled section
>    - UNComment Tomcat with SSL enabled section
>    7.
>    Edit ../webapps/openmeetings/public/config.xml and set
>    <protocol>https</protocol>
>    <red5httpport>5443</red5httpport>
>    <rtmpsslport>5443</rtmpsslport>
>    <useSSL>yes</useSSL>
>    <proxyType>none</proxyType>
>    8.
>    Restart red5 service (or reboot)
>    9. Visit https://[OM server FQDN]:5443 in your browser and sign in.
>    - Go to Administration > Configuration and set application.base.url to
>    https://[OM server FQDN]:5443/openmeetings/
> Script to run when letsencrypt certs are renewed
>    1.
>    Create /root/ with (check red5 install dir and
>    service name):
>    #!/bin/bash
>    mv /opt/red5/conf/keystore.jks /opt/red5/conf/keystore.bak
>    openssl pkcs12 -export -in /etc/letsencrypt/live/[OM server FQDN]/cert.pem 
> -inkey /etc/letsencrypt/live/[OM server FQDN]/privkey.pem -out 
> /opt/red5/conf/red5.p12 -name red5 -passout pass:password -certfile 
> /etc/letsencrypt/live/[OM server FQDN]/chain.pem
>    keytool -importkeystore -srcstorepass password -srckeystore 
> /opt/red5/conf/red5.p12 -srcstoretype PKCS12 -deststorepass password 
> -destkeystore /opt/red5/conf/keystore.jks -alias red5
>    keytool -import -alias root -keystore /opt/red5/conf/keystore.jks 
> -trustcacerts -storepass password -file /etc/letsencrypt/live/[OM server 
> FQDN]/chain.pem
>    cp -f /opt/red5/conf/keystore.jks /opt/red5/conf/trustscore.jks
>    /etc/init.d/red5-ubdeb2 restart
>    2.
>    Make it executable
>    chmod +x
>    3. Enter crontab with crontab -e
>    - Add --renew-hook "/root/" after certbot renew
> On 2017-10-18 14:22, Maxim Solodovnik wrote:
> Thanks for sharing!
> steps 1-5 need to be repeated, BUT they are simple and you can create
> script for this :)))
> On Wed, Oct 18, 2017 at 6:38 PM, Jacob Wenzel <>
> wrote:
>> Hi all!
>> I had a few problems with translating the RTMPS/HTTPS guide
>> <>
>> for use with letsencrypt certificates due to different file names, so I
>> documented the process for my own memory and anyone interested can see or
>> follow the steps below to get a working RTMPS/HTTPS setup for OpenMeetings.
>> *But what happens when my certificates are renewed?* Will I have to
>> repeat steps 1 - 5 every time? If yes then I with try to create a bash
>> script that automates the process.
>> --------------------------------------
>> RTMPS/HTTPS in OpenMeetings with letsencrypt (Replace [OM server FQDN]
>> with your actual OpenMeetings FQDN)
>>    1. cd to your red5 install dir
>>    2.
>>    Export existing keys into PKCS12 format:
>>    openssl pkcs12 -export -in /etc/letsencrypt/live/[OM server 
>> FQDN]/cert.pem -inkey /etc/letsencrypt/live/[OM server FQDN]/privkey.pem 
>> -out red5.p12 -name red5 -certfile /etc/letsencrypt/live/[OM server 
>> FQDN]/chain.pem
>>    Enter Export Password: password
>>    Verifying - Enter Export Password: password
>>    3.
>>    Import resulting red5.p12 into keystore:
>>    keytool -importkeystore -srcstorepass password -srckeystore red5.p12
>>    -srcstoretype PKCS12 -deststorepass password -destkeystore keystore.jks
>>    -alias red5
>>    4.
>>    Import your letsencrypt certificate into the keystore
>>    keytool -import -alias root -keystore keystore.jks -trustcacerts
>>    -file /etc/letsencrypt/live/[OM server FQDN]/chain.pem
>>    5.
>>    Copy keystore to truststore
>>    cp keystore.jks trustscore.jks
>>    SSL for the web interface and Tunneling RTMPS
>>    6. Edit ./jee-container.xml file
>>    - Comment Tomcat without SSL enabled section
>>    - UNComment Tomcat with SSL enabled section
>>    7.
>>    Edit ../webapps/openmeetings/public/config.xml and set
>>    <protocol>https</protocol>
>>    <red5httpport>5443</red5httpport>
>>    <rtmpsslport>5443</rtmpsslport>
>>    <useSSL>yes</useSSL>
>>    <proxyType>none</proxyType>
>>    8.
>>    Restart red5 service (or reboot)
>>    9. Visit https://[OM server FQDN]:5443 in your browser and sign in.
>>    - Go to Administration > Configuration and set application.base.url
>>    to https://https://[OM server FQDN]:5443/openmeetings/
>> --
>> *Med venlig hilsen/Best regards*
>> *JACOB WENZEL Projektleder*
>> Strandengen 1
>> <>
>> 8305 SAMSØ
>> +45 60 61 15 97
>> <>
> --
> Maxim aka solomax

Maxim aka solomax

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