Hi Maxim, 

As you referred the link to start a video stream using ffmpeg 
 , we've tried this but when we observed the logs, It says that uid param is 
missing. Could you please let me know how can we pass uid in the command if it 
is possible? 

Below is the captured log : 

DEBUG 09-01 12:26:36.185 o.a.o.c.r.r.ScopeApplicationAdapter:296 
[RTMPConnectionExecutor-1] - connect: RTMPMinaConnection from (in: 
3279 out: 3073) session: 8TPWITQT99M6O state: connected > Scope 
[name=openmeetings, path=/default, type=APPLICATION, autoStart=true, 
creationTime=1504245700424, depth=1, enabled=true, running=true] 
INFO 09-01 12:26:36.185 o.a.o.c.r.r.ScopeApplicationAdapter:306 
[RTMPConnectionExecutor-1] - W3C x-category:session x-event:connect c-ip: c-client-id:34 
DEBUG 09-01 12:26:36.185 o.a.o.c.r.r.ScopeApplicationAdapter:627 
[RTMPConnectionExecutor-1] - appConnect: RTMPMinaConnection from 
(in: 3279 out: 3073) session: 8TPWITQT99M6O state: connected 
DEBUG 09-01 12:26:36.186 o.a.o.c.r.r.ScopeApplicationAdapter:693 
[RTMPConnectionExecutor-1] - appJoin: Client: 34 >> Scope [name=openmeetings, 
path=/default, type=APPLICATION, autoStart=true, creationTime=1504245700424, 
depth=1, enabled=true, running=true] 
DEBUG 09-01 12:26:36.186 o.a.o.c.r.r.ScopeApplicationAdapter:296 
[RTMPConnectionExecutor-1] - connect: RTMPMinaConnection from (in: 
3279 out: 3073) session: 8TPWITQT99M6O state: connected > Scope [name=7, 
path=/default/openmeetings, type=ROOM, autoStart=true, 
creationTime=1504246831733, depth=2, enabled=true, running=true] 
DEBUG 09-01 12:26:36.186 o.a.o.c.r.r.ScopeApplicationAdapter:191 
[RTMPConnectionExecutor-1] - roomConnect : 
DEBUG 09-01 12:26:36.186 o.a.o.c.r.r.ScopeApplicationAdapter:196 
[RTMPConnectionExecutor-1] - ### Client connected to OpenMeetings, register 
Client StreamId: 34 scope 7 
WARN 09-01 12:26:36.187 o.a.o.c.r.r.ScopeApplicationAdapter:251 
[RTMPConnectionExecutor-1] - No UIDs are provided, client is rejected 
DEBUG 09-01 12:26:36.188 o.a.o.c.r.r.ScopeApplicationAdapter:429 
[RTMPConnectionExecutor-1] - disconnect: RTMPMinaConnection from 
(in: 3279 out: 3257) session: 8TPWITQT99M6O state: disconnecting < Scope 
[name=openmeetings, path=/default, type=APPLICATION, autoStart=true, 
creationTime=1504245700424, depth=1, enabled=true, running=true] 
INFO 09-01 12:26:36.189 o.a.o.c.r.r.ScopeApplicationAdapter:438 
[RTMPConnectionExecutor-1] - W3C x-category:session x-event:disconnect c-ip: c-client-id:34 
DEBUG 09-01 12:26:36.189 o.a.o.c.r.r.ScopeApplicationAdapter:673 
[RTMPConnectionExecutor-1] - appDisconnect: RTMPMinaConnection from (in: 3346 out: 3257) session: 8TPWITQT99M6O state: disconnecting 
DEBUG 09-01 12:26:36.189 o.a.o.c.r.r.ScopeApplicationAdapter:507 
[RTMPConnectionExecutor-1] - leave: Client: 34 << Scope [name=openmeetings, 
path=/default, type=APPLICATION, autoStart=true, creationTime=1504245700424, 
depth=1, enabled=true, running=true] 
DEBUG 09-01 12:26:36.189 o.a.o.c.r.r.ScopeApplicationAdapter:711 
[RTMPConnectionExecutor-1] - appLeave: Client: 34 << Scope [name=openmeetings, 


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