
Could you please help me out in standalone video streaming (i.e., Without GUI 
OM client login. Here, I'll login to OM as a client using REST and also will 
upload the Files using REST, In the same way wanna stream a video either using 
command line which invokes the any of the media player or standalone). 


From: "Alekhya M" <m.alek...@globaledgesoft.com> 
To: "solomax666" <solomax...@gmail.com> 
Cc: "user" <user@openmeetings.apache.org> 
Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2017 11:05:54 AM 
Subject: Re: Query on Adding a file via REST/SOAP Request 

Thanks alot Maxim. 

The links you have given helped me and once again Thanks for your reference 


From: "solomax666" <solomax...@gmail.com> 
To: "Alekhya M" <m.alek...@globaledgesoft.com> 
Cc: "user" <user@openmeetings.apache.org> 
Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2017 8:14:42 PM 
Subject: Re: Query on Adding a file via REST/SOAP Request 

I'm not using these tools 
Here are couple examples: 
PHP API [1] 
Java tests [2] 


On Thu, Aug 24, 2017 at 7:01 PM, Alekhya M < m.alek...@globaledgesoft.com > 

Thank you. 

I am trying with REST API tools like SOAP UI, Ready API!. I hav already tried 
with the link you've shared, I couldn't get success response. 
Can you help me out in achieving this? 


From: "solomax666" < solomax...@gmail.com > 
To: "Alekhya M" < m.alek...@globaledgesoft.com > 
Cc: "user" < user@openmeetings.apache.org > 
Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2017 5:03:10 PM 
Subject: Re: Query on Adding a file via REST/SOAP Request 

please do not cross-post to the different lists 
You can use this [1] method to add file with its contents 


On Thu, Aug 24, 2017 at 6:08 PM, Alekhya M < m.alek...@globaledgesoft.com > 



Brief about me :: Myself Alekhya M, working as a Senior Software Engineer 
@Global Edge Software Ltd., Bangalore, India. 

I have been using OpenMeetings Application past few days and I am exploring on 
adding a file on server via REST/SOAP Request (Not from the UI). 
Able to login successfully using SOAP/REST request (Referred the WSDL services 
link & REST request details on OpenMeetings web page) but I am not able to add 
a file onto server using SOAP/REST Request as I have tried in few ways. 
Attached the SOAP Request details which I've used. 

Query : Is there any way to add a file via REST/SOAP Request? If it's possible, 
Could you please let me know how to achieve this? 

Best Regards, 

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Maxim aka solomax 

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Maxim aka solomax 

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