In persistence.xml I find this :

<property name="openjpa.ConnectionProperties" value="DriverClassName=org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver,Url=jdbc:derby:open330;create=true, ...

which I assume means that I am using derby.

How can I access and make a query on Derby ?

Le 15/08/2017 à 05:23, Maxim Solodovnik a écrit :
please find persistense.xml and check what DB driver is used

On Mon, Aug 14, 2017 at 10:59 PM, Jacob Ouanounou <> wrote:
I thought that I had configured OM to use MariaDB, but the database is
empty. Would it mean that it uses Derby ? How can I check ?

Le 11/08/2017 à 14:53, Maxim Solodovnik a écrit :

Everything seems to be ok (it is PHP not json, but code looks ok)
What is in db? Om_user table for this user?

WBR, Maxim
(from mobile, sorry for the typos)

On Aug 11, 2017 14:46, "Jacob Ouanounou" <> wrote:
Here it is : (masked some fields with X's)

function connectToRoom($roomId,$options)
                 "protocol" => "http",
                 "host" => "XXXXX",
                 "port" => "5080",
                 "context" => "cursus",
                 "user" =>XXXXXXX,
                 "pass" => XXXXXX,
           "module" => "myCMS"
     $gateway = new OmGateway($OMConfig);
     if ($gateway->login()) {
                     "login" => "cursus:".$options['id']
                     ,"username" => "Id:".$options['id']
                     , "firstname" => str_replace('
                     , "lastname" => str_replace(' ','-',$options['nom'])
                     , "email" => $options['email']
                     , "externalId" => $options['id']
                     , "profilePictureUri" => $options['photo']
                     , "profilePictureUrl" => $options['photo']
               , "externalUserType"=>"cursus"
                     , "externalType" => "myCMS"

         $options1=array("roomId" => $roomId, "moderator" =>
                     "allowRecording" => $options['moderate']);
         $hash=$gateway->getSecureHash($user, $options1);
         $url=$gateway->getUrl() ."/hash?secure=" . $hash .

         return ($url);
         echo -10;

and this function is called with the parameters :

$options = array("id" => "P".$res['id'],
                 "nom" => $res1['nom'], "prenom"=>$res1['prenom'],
                 "email" =>$res1['email'], "moderate"=>false,

where $Photo is read in my application database, and has value :


Le 11/08/2017 à 09:37, Maxim Solodovnik a écrit :

I need JSON you are sending to be able to help you

On Fri, Aug 11, 2017 at 2:18 PM, Jacob Ouanounou <> wrote:
Hi Maxim,

I am still trying to solve this issue : I don't succeed to get the
profilePictureUrl set.

In the doc, I see this field named either profilePictureUrl or

When I set NONE of them
I get a picture with a question mark,

When I set profiePictureUrl,
I get no picture at all

When I set profilePictureUri,
I get a picture with a question mark, which is the same result as if I
don't set any picture.

I have checked the existence of the picture in the provided URL
( and I have dumped the value
of the variable $options['profilePictureUrl'], which displays the correct

I you have a sample basic program in PHP that sets the picture, I would
appreciate very much.

I don't see what else I can do ... thank you for your help


Le 27/07/2017 à 11:44, Maxim Solodovnik a écrit :

This array doesn't make sense :(
could var_dump() it?
so "real value" for $Photo will be printed

On Thu, Jul 27, 2017 at 4:09 PM, Jacob Ouanounou <> wrote:
Thank you for your answer

Here is my user array :

                     "login" => "cursusA"
                     ,"username" => "Id:".$_SESSION['id']
                     , "firstname" => $_SESSION['prenom']
                     , "lastname" => $_SESSION['nom']
                     , "email" => $_SESSION['email']
                     , "externalId" => $_SESSION['id']
                     , "profilePictureUrl" => $Photo
                     , "pictureUri" => $Photo
               , "externalUserType"=>"cursus"
                     , "externalType" => "myCMS"

I have introduced both columns "pictureUri" and "profilePictureUrl". If
I remove the lattest I get the same as if I remove both. If I remove the
first, I get a picture with a question mark.

Le 27/07/2017 à 10:35, Maxim Solodovnik a écrit :

Please do not write personal emails (use Reply All :))


let's do investigation together step-by-step

you are calling services/user/hash REST function

in API it is:

(you have to go to API doc page:
find UserService
find /hash function)

As you can see this function takes ExternalUserDTO as user parameter
This object has profilePictureUri:

So the question is: what string are you passing as profilePictureUrl?
could you provide an example of your PHP user array (with personal
details like real name/email stripped/masked) ?

On Thu, Jul 27, 2017 at 3:24 PM, Jacob Ouanounou <> wrote:
Sorry, I am not good enough in recent languages and programming
techniques to file PRs. I would have liked to ...

I am probably supposed to use the method : setPictureUri(), but for
that I should have something in PHP thant handles User Objects. In the PHP
files OmGateway.php and OmRestService.php, I found nothing that handles User
Objects ... In my program, $user is just an array, with "login", "email",
... and I just add "pictureUri" or "profilePictureUrl" ...

Le 27/07/2017 à 10:06, Maxim Solodovnik a écrit :

On Thu, Jul 27, 2017 at 3:05 PM, Jacob Ouanounou <>
What is PR ?

Le 27/07/2017 à 10:04, Maxim Solodovnik a écrit :

What description are you expecting to see?

UserDTO doesn't have pictureUri, User has this field

You can propose PR with better JavaDoc :)))

On Thu, Jul 27, 2017 at 3:01 PM, Jacob Ouanounou <>
In this page I see something called pictureUri. When I use that
keyword, I get a picture with a question mark, the same as if I don't
specify any photo for the user. But if I use the keyword "profilePictureUrl"
, I get no picture for the user in the room.

(I don't understand the structure of the document in javadocs :
where is the structure of the object User described ? I just see methods.

Le 27/07/2017 à 09:47, Maxim Solodovnik a écrit :

You can check properties in API javadocs:

it seems pictureUri was dropped during migration
could you please file JIRA, should be easy to fix

On Thu, Jul 27, 2017 at 2:43 PM, Jacob Ouanounou <>

It seems that the user option "profilePictureUrl" that allows to set
the picture of the user does not work anymore, or the keyword has changed.

I have also tried to set that parameter in room options, without

Maxim aka solomax

Maxim aka solomax

Maxim aka solomax

Maxim aka solomax

Maxim aka solomax

Maxim aka solomax

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