I'll try to answer on top, otherwise it would be hard to follow

1) "WRT to HTML 5 canvas, I am not clear on what you mean.  I think OM
is a full window SWF": It is true for 3.3.x, it is almost full window
SWF, 4.0.0 has only small swf AV windows wrapped into jquery dialogs,
less Flash each version :))

2) this is the first time i'm seeing your BigBlueButton html example,
not sure what can i do here, i'm not developing BBB :)

3) "Only Apple IOS devices can not do WebRTC currently"
There are incompatibilities in inter-browser multi-stream
communication (for ex. see this
Safari going to support WebRTC this autumn (according to rumors),
until then we have situation when technology is not being supported by
all major OSes and browsers. + we have inter-browser incompatibilities
i.e. you can perform Video call from Chrome to Firefox, but it would
be hard to make Audio and Video call from Chrome to Firefox.

4) "Bandwidth is cheap here" you can check using calculator:
http://openmeetings.apache.org/NetworkCalculator.html and please NOTE
every broadcasting user MUST have this bandwidth. and this would be
Upload bandwidth which is usually 3-5 times lower than Download
bandwidth ....

We are moving to WebRTC but it takes time. Current plan to release
4.0.0 with HTML5 everything except for audio and video, then perform
investigation on WebRTC

On Mon, Aug 14, 2017 at 5:33 PM, Robert Cooley <robertcoo...@gmx.com> wrote:
> Inline..
> OM has the huge advantage of being a container, with a lot less to configure
> out of the box.
> On 8/14/2017 10:06 AM, Maxim Solodovnik wrote:
>> Master branch is updated:
>> https://github.com/openmeetings/openmeetings-docker it is now will
>> create machine with 4.0.0
> Thanks for the quick docker work!
>> According to the "Just text on WB", you can create text block and
>> paste your text in it ...
> Good answer on the text block, too.  Not sure why I did not think of that..
>> Current 4.0.0 WB is based on HTML5 canvas and actively uses
>> WebSockets, you can put text on it, you can add vector graphics, you
>> will be able to add html as soon as I'll find the way to convert html
>> to vector graphics ... or you can send me the link to some working
>> example (we are currently using this http://fabricjs.com/ library)
> WRT to HTML 5 canvas, I am not clear on what you mean.  I think OM is a full
> window SWF flash object running in my browser, right?  Are you then floating
> a HTML canvas object over that, also in my browser?  Then WebSockets is used
> between all participants to keep the canvases in sync?   I do not want SVG.
> I want TEXT!  See below..
> Typos and grammar!
>> Why link and iframe will not work: WB needS to BE synchronized between all
>> participantS, I can not guarantee this in the case iframe is used (plus
>> there will be some security restrictions)
> Sorry about the blasphemy, but this is what I am currently running. :) It
> seems very similar, but we can change colors and pen widths.  Shrug..
> ie <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" id="BigBlueButton"
> name="BigBlueButton" tabindex="0" data="BigBlueButton.swf?v=601"
> style="position: relative; top: 0.5px;" height="100%" width="30%"
> align="middle"><param name="quality" value="high"><param name="bgcolor"
> value="#FFFFFF"><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true"><param
> name="wmode" value="window"><param name="allowscriptaccess"
> value="true"><param name="seamlesstabbing" value="true"></object>
> Is it possible for the flash object to NOT be the full window?  Above it is
> 30% width.  Can I inject some js into a page, and do whatever I want in the
> rest of the viewport?  Remove the whiteboard entirely with a new layout.
> Keep the user list, the chat, and the video cam parts.  Maybe stack them in
> a tall and narrow column on the left edge of the browser Thus Leaving the
> right area free?
> We can skip the iframe entirely this way!
>> According Flash: unfortunately Flash is currently the only option for
>> cross platform and cross browser Audio/Video. WebRTC is the way we are
>> moving BUT it still has cross-browser incompatibilities,
> Only Apple IOS devices can not do WebRTC currently.  It is supposed to work
> later this year.  I can skip those students.  Plenty of students with
> Windows, Mac, Linux, and Android.  I can run flash on my PC to connect to
> the server.  Server broadcasts it to everybody.
>> it is P2P
>> (all bandwidth will go to your device, not to the server), it doesn't
>> allow recordings.
> https://www.webrtc-experiment.com/RecordRTC/
> It does allow recording, just not automatically, and not on the server..
> Again I can still use flash for this if needed.
>> Right now 4.0.0 will use Flash, and we will start investigation in
>> following directions:
>> 1) at least remove Flash requirements for attendees i.e. to play user
>> audio/video using HTML5 <video> tag. The problem here is: <video> tag
>> does not support "live" streams :(
>  I think live video is supported now, at least in P2P.  Not sure it is
> compatible with the OM server..  Bandwidth is cheap here in VN,  Huge
> competition with the ISP's and FTTH.  35 mbit up/down is 8 USD per month.  I
> can get all 4 major ISPS, and then build a small router with 4 SFP ports for
> maybe 1000 usd.
>> 2) Adapt WebRTC for our needs and solve all issues mentioned above
>> But all this requires time ... "Rome wasn’t built in a day"
>> On Sun, Aug 13, 2017 at 10:03 PM, Robert Cooley <robertcoo...@gmx.com>
>> wrote:
>>> No hurry..  I tried the test server, and it looks good, but still not
>>> really
>>> what I *WANT*
>>> The new version is still Flash based.  I hate flash!
>>> What I want is some html5 with audio and video sharing.
>>> Fallback to flash is ok for audio and video, but it stops there.
> Back to the original topic,
> What I want is something like this running in the browser:
> https://nlp-expo.firebaseapp.com/
> https://nlp-expo.firebaseapp.com/expo/uppercase-all-verbs-197792
> https://nlp-expo.firebaseapp.com/expo/change-sentence-tense-203483
> Then put a toolbar across the top of the screen with "Paste Tense", Present,
> Future, Singular nouns, Plural Nouns.  I really want to hammer on the
> students WRT to Plurals, Tenses, and Articles (a,an, the, etc)
> Asian languages do not have these, and they make many mistakes.
> SVG is dead.  It is not text any more..  I can not edit it, or have js
> modify it.  I can not change the fonts, colors, etc easily.
> also, something like this:
> http://pandoc.org/demo/example16b.html#(1)
> Students want bigger fonts?  OK, they can zoom it, html reflows.  PDFs not
> so much..
> What do I lose with html?  Automatic recording, but I can do that locally.
> Keeping everybody on the same page.
> Sorry, too long..

Maxim aka solomax

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