Hello Klaus,

thanks for your interest,
first of all please don't write direct emails, write to the mailing list
instead: http://openmeetings.apache.org/mail-lists.html (you need to
subscribe first)
This way you (and others) can use search :)

This topic recently was discussed ....

REST/SOAP API BREAK was discussed see

1) do you have anything in the logs? especially red5.log, I believe tuning
red5 might help here, do you have any performance improvement after
upgrading to 3.1.2?

2) soap works as expected you can ensure it here:
The list of services was enlarged, API was improved and simplified

To get room has for soap user you need to

1) call

check result
in case
you will get SID as

2) then you need to call

using SIP and providing additional details

3) We have API documentation and PHP API module, please suggest how
documentation can be improved (provide sample) and I'll update the site

On Wed, Aug 17, 2016 at 9:11 PM, Wresnik, Klaus <klaus.wres...@bitmedia.cc>

> Ladies and Gentlemen,
> we like your software-idea and concept and would like to proof it for an
> SOAP-Implementation. – I would like ask you three questions and my team and
> me would be very happy if you could response and give us any tip regarding
> our questions.
> 1.)
> We had performance-problems on unix freebst 10.2 with OpenMeetings-Version
> 3.07 (freezing screens and sound but working chats) – using between 5 to 10
> participants in a room. – we tested all kinds of rooms, configured
> moderators ect. and nothing seemed to work. Even the quadruplication of the
> ressources caused no change on the OpenMeetings-Server. *Do you have an
> idea what could run wrong or tipps for a better performance?*
> 2.)
> We upgraded and found out that SOAP-Services seem to be missing .
> OM Version 3.1.2: https://OUR_3rd_OPENMEETINGS_LOCATION/openmeetings/
> services/RoomService?wsdl
>                                      Returns only functions: add, close,
> counters, delete, getExternal, getPublic, getRoomById, kick, open
> OM Version 3.1.1: https://OUR_2nd_OPENMEETINGS_LOCATION/openmeetings/
> services/RoomService?wsdl ( only returns xml displayed in attachment
> RoomService 3_1_1.txt - i copied it from browser view so there can be some
> rubbish inside it…)
>                                      Returns only functions: add, close,
> counters, delete, getExternal, getPublic, getRoomById, kick, open
> OM Version 3.0.7: https://OUR_1st_OPENMEETINGS_LOCATION/openmeetings/
> services/RoomService?wsdl (returns a bunch of usable functions including
> getRooms)
> *In OM-Version 3.0.7 the following two processes would be possible, are
> they also possible in 3.1.2 and 3.1.1 ? *
> *PROCESS 1 -> SOAP-UserServices:* Create Soap Users for logging directly
> into room
> ·         getSession
> ·         loginUser
> ·         setUserObjectAndGenerateRoomHash
> *PROCESS 2 -> SOAP-RoomServices:* List Rooms for a room-overview
> (Accessing Room Services via https://OUR_OPENMEETINGS_
> LOCATION/openmeetings/services/RoomService?wsdl)
> ·         getSession
> ·         loginUser
> ·         getRooms
> 3.)
> *Is there any SOAP-documentation officially available?* – the link on
> your official page (INTEGRATION -> SOAP/REST  API ->
> http://openmeetings.apache.org/openmeetings-webservice/apidocs/index.html)
> seems to document the Java-Classes only… - (we cannot find any
> documentation about SOAP-API online)
> We would be very happy to get an answer or any tipps from you.
> Regards and greets from Austria,
> Ing. Wresnik Klaus
> (Project Manager)
> Ing. Wresnik Klaus
> Projektleitung
> *bit* media e-solutions GmbH
> Kaerntner Strasse 337, A-8054 Graz
> mailto: klaus.wres...@bitonline.cc
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> cid:image001.png@01CCEFB0.64176880] <http://www.facebook.com/bitgruppe>
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Maxim aka solomax

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