When you say check the bd table email_queue are you speaking on the openmeeting machine or theemail server. If you mean the email server I've looked there and it the mails aren't reaching it to send out yet I can connect via telnet so I know the connection is available.

On 04/23/2016 01:41 AM, Maxim Solodovnik wrote:
It is definitely doesn't matter
I would check server logs and server folders for incoming outgoing emails
Additional place to check: DB table email_queue

On Sat, Apr 23, 2016 at 2:10 AM, Leland Corso Sr. <lco...@jbs-systems.net <mailto:lco...@jbs-systems.net>> wrote:


    I'm having an issue sending emails from openmeetings. I've
    verified that configuration is correct.  And the log file says the
    email was sent.  The issue is that the email never gets delivered
    to the recipient.  I have checked the email server and it doesnt
    show any errors but the email from the sending account does not
    reflect the email even exists.
    I have configured
     smtp_server = my_mail.server.com <http://my_mail.server.com>
     email port = 465
     Email acct = norep...@mydomain.com <mailto:norep...@mydomain.com>
     SMTP acct = norep...@mydomain.com <mailto:norep...@mydomain.com>
     Password  = mypassword
     enable SMTP = 1

    It was working but seems after I changed the default path from
    ./webapps/openmeetings/ to ./webapps/Linked.Exchange/ and edited
    config.xml entries (<webAppRootKey>Linked.Exchange</webAppRootKey>
    & <httpRootKey>/Linked.Exchange/</httpRootKey>) it stopped
    working.  Does it matter whether frontend registration is
    available or not?  My assumption is that it does not matter.
-- *Leland Corso Sr.

Maxim aka solomax

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