Hello, Are ready for download, the follow installation tutorials for the new version of OpenMeetings 3.1.1. Are called:
Installation OpenMeetings 3.1.x on Centos 6.7.pdf Installation OpenMeetings 3.1.x on Centos 7.pdf Installation OpenMeetings 3.1.x on Debian 8.pdf Installation OpenMeetings 3.1.x on El Capitan OS X.pdf Installation OpenMeetings 3.1.x on Fedora 23.pdf Installation OpenMeetings 3.1.x on PCLinuxOS.pdf Installation OpenMeetings 3.1.x on Ubuntu 14.04.pdf Can download from here: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OPENMEETINGS/Tutorials+for +installing+OpenMeetings+and+Tools Hope you find useful. Best Regards Alvaro