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basic LDAP instruction is here:
you can ask you questions in mailing list or use search:

On Tue, Nov 17, 2015 at 2:53 AM, <> wrote:

> Hi Maxim,
> Is there any  manuals or instruction on configuring LDAP?
> Is that something that I need to configure in my MySql database and link
> to the om_ldap.cfg file?
> I have been trying to search on how to do this but can't seem to get it
> working.
> Appreciate your advice.
> Thank you.
> Marc
> From:        Marc M Co/NZ/GTS/PwC
> To:
> Date:        12/11/2015 05:22 p.m.
> Subject:        Unable to configure my LDAP
> ------------------------------
> Hi,
> I am new in installing and trying to implement OM to our environment.
> I can't seem to link the login using our AD credentials.
> I tried configuring the om_ldap under the folder
> c:\red5\webapps\openmeetings\conf.
> I managed to install OM and it's running now. But I want to use AD
> credentials in logging in to OM.
> Is that something that I missed when I installed MySql? I am not sure if
> that is related.
>  Is there any updated guides in installing OM?
>  Appreciate your help and advise.
>  Thank you.
> Regards,
> Marc
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Maxim aka solomax

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