Dear Maxim,

In our case the client OS is Windows 8.1 , and client Browser is Chrome version 43.
The rest of the setup as we mentioned (to put it all together here) is:

Server 1: Centos-6.5 O,S earlier running OM-3.0.4 and now OM-3.0.6, in both cases this issue was observed. Server2: Centos-7 OS used to run initially OM-3.0.4, and now OM-3.0.6, is giving same issue.

In Desktop-sharing, any key (not just "="), when typed from keyboard input, in Word, Powerpoint or Notepad, gets duplicated or triplicated.



Susheel Jalali

Coscend Communications Solutions_

Web <>


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Subject: Re: OM 3.06@Ubtuntu LTS 14.04: Desktop-Sharing: Keyboardinput twyce with some keys like "="
From:    Maxim Solodovnik <>
Date:    07/22/15 09:27

To reproduce this issue 2 clients are required
What OSes/browsers these clients are using?

Maxim aka solomax

From:  Susheel Jalali <>
Date:  07/19/15 12:00

Dear Maxim,

This issue has been observed here in OM-3.0.4 and OM-3.0.6, on both Centos-6.5 and Centos-7. In Desktop-sharing, any key (not just "="), when typed from keyboard input, in Word, Powerpoint or Notepad, gets duplicated or triplicated.

Hope this additional information is useful in analyzing and solving it.


Susheel Jalali

Coscend Communications Solutions

From: Maxim Solodovnik []

can you please file an issue here:

I'll try to reproduce and fix it :)

On Sat, Jul 18, 2015 at 10:44 PM, Wolfgang Hübsch <> wrote:

    I can reproduce this @

Can anyone confirm a version that works? Is this a bug of a single version or does it occure on all versions?
    I tested 3.0.4 which has the same behavior.

    But I was succesfull with OM 2 incubating :-)
    So it seems to be a bug? Is this bug common?

    Am 18.07.15 um 16:44 schrieb Wolfgang Hübsch:

        I can reproduce this @

Can anyone confirm a version that works? Is this a bug of a single version or does it occure on all versions?

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