Hi, All.

For webinar I'm use room type: restricted (1-150 user) and interview.
I have two server in Moscow for OM.

In June we held 3 open free webinar , with the amount
15-25 people from different cities of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine.

In General everything is working fine . 
You can give participants and audio and video, but the main thing that they had 
configured hardware ,
to listen echo , noise , etc. many people don't like .
I want a special room design for webinars.
Need diagnostic tools server load . 
( to calculate the maximum stable number of participants ).

I'm on a business trip to 20.07 ,  in my spare time teach students 
opportunities OM .

С уважением, Алексей Терехов.
+7 926 076 15 20

Четверг,  2 июля 2015, 21:08 +05:30 от Susheel Jalali 
>Dear Maxim and Peter,
>We would be happy to contribute by coding some
      parts for new types
      of conference rooms, but for that we would need some guidance.
>In past we contributed by identifying bugs with
      invitation (fixed in 3.0.5) and WSDL File not found error.
>As we grow, we may attract more investors, and
      perhaps we can
      sponsor some of these initiatives. -- 
>Susheel Jalali

        Communications Solutions
>Web site: www.CoscendCommunications.com

        NOTICE: See 'Confidentiality Notice Regarding E-mail Messages
        from Coscend Communications Solutions' posted at: 
>Subject: Re: "webinar" room
>From: Pierre Smits  <pierre.sm...@gmail.com>
>Date: 07/01/15 15:35
>To:  user@openmeetings.apache.org
>A good way to speed things up is to contribute. Not only will
        it ease the burden of the other contributors (both without and
        with privileges), but it will also help in growing the
        community. The larger the community, the greater the adoption,
        the sooner bugs and improvement will get into released products.
        But all is interlinked. ;-)
>Best regards,
>Pierre Smits
>Subject: Re: "webinar" room
>From: Maxim Solodovnik  <solomax...@gmail.com>
>Date: 07/01/15 15:05
>To:  Openmeetings user-list  <user@openmeetings.apache.org>
>you can "sponsor" it using our commercial support
>This is the only way you can speed up things :(((((
>On Wed, Jul 1, 2015 at 12:26 PM, Susheel Jalali  < 
>susheel.jal...@coscendcommunications.com > wrote:
>Dear Maxim,
>It will be really useful for our employees and partners as well.
>Is there anything we could provide to help you release this "Webinar
    Room" feature  in 3.0.7 ?
>Susheel Jalali

        Communications Solutions
>Web site: www.CoscendCommunications.com

        NOTICE: See 'Confidentiality Notice Regarding E-mail Messages
        from Coscend Communications Solutions' posted at: 
>Subject:  Re: "webinar" room
>From:  df...@gmx.de
>Date:  06/30/15 23:26
>To:  user@openmeetings.apache.org
>OK - I see the build-on-demand....

I know of course *everything* is important.

For me openmeetings now is a "nice toy" and it works stable and good
but I cannot use it for my purposes because I have only scenario:

- one or two "teachers" share video and audio to a big audience
- the audience can share their audio if they have questions, remarks and so on
- teacher and the others recognize this and can react

If teacher can manually give one or some people of the audience permission
to share their video, too this will be VERY VERY useful - but not absolutely
neccessary for using openmeetings (for me).

I have checked out alternatives but I want to wait and use OM because its
philosophy and software realization is the way I like it 

Many thanks

Am Dienstag, 30. Juni 2015, 23:22:34 schrieb Maxim Solodovnik:
>>This mean that will try to address this in the next minor release but not
100% sure 
You can get builds here
it is not nightly, but on-demand
>Subject:  Re: "webinar" room
>From:  Maxim Solodovnik  <solomax...@gmail.com>
>Date:  06/30/15 23:29
>To:  Openmeetings user-list  <user@openmeetings.apache.org>
>I can set to be build on nightly basis, but currently
      see no need for this, if any user asks for the build I can push
      the button, otherwise we build it for internal testing :)
>We will try to address this issue, the delay was caused by
        our 3.1.0 branch, we were planned to speed up 3.1.0 development,
        but unfortunately it is not the case :(
>On Tue, Jun 30, 2015 at 11:56 PM,  < df...@gmx.de > wrote:
>OK - I see the build-on-demand....
>I know of course *everything* is important.
>For me openmeetings now is a "nice toy" and it works stable and good
>but I cannot use it for my purposes because I have only scenario:
>- one or two "teachers" share video and audio to a big audience
>- the audience can share their audio if they have questions, remarks
    and so on
>- teacher and the others recognize this and can react
>If teacher can manually give one or some people of the audience
>to share their video, too this will be VERY VERY useful - but not
>neccessary for using openmeetings (for me).
>I have checked out alternatives but I want to wait and use OM
    because its
>philosophy and software realization is the way I like it :)
>Many thanks

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