...well, think that better than copy and paste
the script text, can be errors, is to download it.

I add, on the mentioned tutorials, a link to download
the script in a zip file.

Best Regards



El lun, 08-06-2015 a las 16:18 +0200, Alvaro escribió:
> Hello,
> Ffmpeg compiled basing on this url:
> https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/CompilationGuide/Ubuntu
> I found a reference to the latest versions of x264 and ffmpeg giving an
> error related to mp4 when recording Interview room.
> Therefore i turned to make a script that handles download, compile and
> install ffmpeg on Ubuntu and Debian 8-7 in which i replaced the latest
> versions of both by other a few months ago.
> They are working properly and mp4.
> The above script i've added in the tutorials called:
> Installation OpenMeetings 3.0.x on Ubuntu 14.04.pdf
> Installation OpenMeetings 3.0.x on Jessie.pdf
> ...you can find them:
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OPENMEETINGS/Tutorials+for
> +installing+OpenMeetings+and+Tools
> Best Regards
> Alvaro

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