Dear Maxim,
Thank you for promptly enhancing the one-time invitation JIRA feature.
We just installed OM-3.0.4 last week. If you let us know what code
changes you did and the file, we would like to include it in our
existing installation, and if required we can recompile during night hours.
We understand OM-3.0.4, being a stable release, comes with a trusted
certificate for Tomcat.
Can we use the trusted certificate of OM-3.0.4 for OM-3.0.5. development
build as well?
Susheel Jalali
Customer Operations Leader,
Coscend Communications Solutions
*Coscend’s**Software Service Factory*
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software applications development, and systems integration."
*Light Reading Network, *December, 2007
"*Coscend*is at the*vanguard of a new evolution*in telco OSS/BSS systems
*Caroline Chappell*
A leading authority in the communications services software industry
"There are *innovative*…*tools*from ... *Coscend *bubbling up, which
will help accelerate the data consolidation process and reduce its cost."
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