Dear Alvaro and Users,
On Apache OpenMeetings website, multiple instances are mentioned:
==> Last section on this Web page: *"Running multiple Openmeetings
instances on the same server"*
What is the significance of these multiple instances?
How do we use this feature of OpenMeetings for different purposes
(departments) within our organization.
Susheel Jalali
Customer Operations Leader,
Coscend Communications Solutions
Elite Premio Complex Suite 200 Survey No 7 & 8 Balewadi Pune 411045
Maharashtra India
Cell +91-9011000233
*Coscend's**Software Service Factory*
"*Coscend Communications* is ... *pioneering a new approach*to ...
software applications development, and systems integration."
*Light Reading Network, *December, 2007
"*Coscend*is at the*vanguard of a new evolution*in telco OSS/BSS systems
*Caroline Chappell*
A leading authority in the communications services software industry
"There are *innovative*...*tools*from ... *Coscend *bubbling up, which
will help accelerate the data consolidation process and reduce its cost."
*Dennis Mendyk, */Editor,/Building a *Telco Service Factory*
CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: See 'Confidentiality Notice Regarding E-mail
Messages from Coscend Communications Solutions' posted at:
From Alvaro <>
Subject Re: How to use multiple instances with their own Rooms
Date Tue, 16 Dec 2014 11:08:02 GMT
What do you mean about "multiple instances"...
El mar, 16-12-2014 a las 13:06 +0530, Susheel Jalali escribió:
Dear Alvaro and other fellow Users,
Thank you for guiding us in creating User-groups and connecting them
to Rooms.
Seeking your advice on another question:
What is the usage of multiple instances.
How do we give one specific Room to one specific instance that cannot
be accessed by other instances?
Susheel Jalali
Customer Operations Leader,
Coscend Communications Solutions
Elite Premio Complex Suite 200 Survey No 7 & 8 Balewadi Pune 411045
Maharashtra India
Cell +91-9011000233
Web site:
Coscend's Software Service Factory
"Coscend Communications is ... pioneering a new approach to ...
software applications development, and systems integration."
Light Reading Network, December, 2007
"Coscend is at the vanguard of a new evolution in telco OSS/BSS
systems integration."
Caroline Chappell
A leading authority in the communications services software industry
"There are innovative ... tools from ... Coscend bubbling up, which will
help accelerate the data consolidation process and reduce its cost."
Dennis Mendyk, Editor, Building a Telco Service Factory
CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: See 'Confidentiality Notice Regarding E-mail
Messages from Coscend Communications Solutions' posted at:
From Alvaro <>
Subject Re: When / how to utilize usergroups, multiple instances and private,
and my rooms
Date Sun, 14 Dec 2014 18:27:56 GMT
Hello Susheel,
You can create different user-groups. For this please go to:
Administration --> Usergroups
...there clic on green cross, fill in "Name" with
the name you want for this group , for exemple:
In "Add user" you select one by one all the users
that will be in this group.
When you finish clic on the littel blue icon to save.
Then repeat to create a new user-group, and so many
times as groups you want create.
Then if you want create a new room for only the users-group
"internals" please go to:
Administration --> Conference rooms
...clic on green cross and:
Name = Name of the room
Participants = how many users you want can be in this room
Type = select one of options
Usergroups = clic on the user-group you want for this room. Only
the users of this group will see and can access to this room when
they login.
The room will be in:
Rooms --> Private rooms --> name of user-group --> name of room
The rooms look the same for any group but nobody of a group
can see the existence rooms of the other groups.
Hope every thing is goeing right.
El dom, 14-12-2014 a las 15:50 +0530, Susheel Jalali escribió:
> Dear Fellow Users of OpenMeetings,
> We are successfully running OpenMeetings 3.0.3 on CentOS 6.5. We
> would appreciate your guidance and clarification as under:
> Our use cases
> We would like to use this product with three groups of people:
> · Our internal employees
> · Our advisors (external part-time contractors)
> · Our customers
> These categories of users should not bump into each other in any room
> so that confidential information (such as files, presentations or
> screensharing) are not obtained by the unauthorized group of users.
> Seeking your guidance and clarification In this context,
> 1. Should different instances have different usergroups?
> 2. How do we give one Specific room to a specific user group
> that cannot be accessed by any other usergroup.
> 3. What purposes do different usergroups or different
> instances serve?
> 4. Are these rooms the same in different instances?
> 5. What is the criteria we should use to assign different
> types of rooms (public/private/ my room) to different user
> groups?
> Thank you.
> Sincerely,
> Regards,
> Susheel Jalali
> Customer Operations Leader,
> Coscend Communications Solutions
> Elite Premio Complex Suite 200 Survey No 7 & 8 Balewadi Pune 411045
> Maharashtra India
> Cell +91-9011000233
> Web site:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> Coscend's Software Service Factory
> "Coscend Communications is ... pioneering a new approach to software
development, and systems integration."
> Light Reading Network, December, 2007
> "Coscend is at the vanguard of a new evolution in telco OSS/BSS systems
> Caroline Chappell, A leading authority in the communications services
> "There are innovative ... tools from ... Coscend bubbling up, which will
> help accelerate the data consolidation process and reduce its cost."
> Dennis Mendyk, Editor, Building a Telco Service Factory
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: See 'Confidentiality Notice Regarding E-mail
> Messages from Coscend Communications Solutions' posted at: