I'm afraid it is not possible, due to

1) recording was created by Moodle User A (who have no access to the
Dashboard) which user should be able to manage his/her recordings?

2) OK let it be remembered

3) Let's say Lecturer A would like to make his/her lecture available
"offline". I believe he/she should create standalone course (available to
some/all users) with Recording OM activity?

4) Imaging Lecturer A ask Student B to record the course, there currently
no way for the Lecturer to have ownership for the recording

I see multiple problems here:
1) I guess there should be public/private recordings (maybe multiple levels
of permissions)
2) there should be place to edit recordings/permissions

Maybe additional plugin is not bad idea in this case ....

P.S. It would be nice to have more use cases, this will help to create the
list of necessary features

On Mon, Dec 15, 2014 at 5:20 PM, alpha <al...@asta.edu.ua> wrote:
> Maxim Solodovnik wrote:
> > I would really appreciate to have someone to describe the "design" of
> > what need to be done
> > Unfortunately I have not much time and believe this feature can be
> > implemented fast if I would have clear vision of
> > 1) how it should work
> > 2) where it should be placed
> The simpliest acceptable solution that would work looks like this to me:
> 1) First and foremost, make recordings created in moodle webinars
> manageable through openmeetings dashboard "recordings" tab. This would
> allow deletion of them at least *somehow*.
> 2) Make openmeetings remember the course id of a course in moodle where
> the recording was created.
> 3) Only the recording made in course X are available for being shown
> through plugin in this course.
> Something like this?

Maxim aka solomax

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