Dear Maxim,
I have implemented the scenario by making WebSocket Connection to other
server from OM server for each client and broadcast the message to every
Openlaszlo client in the room if something change in data. It is working
But I don't know is there any good approach to do that. In red5, is there
any client api to make bidirectional connection to other server (not Red5)?

Best Regards,

On 18 November 2014 at 14:06, Maxim Solodovnik <> wrote:

> To be fair I'm not sure how this can be implemented using openlaszlo only.
> You can add additional servlet to OM. Send data to servlet using your
> application. Then in the servlet call openlaszlo methods with the data you
> have received
> WBR, Maxim
> (from mobile, sorry for the typos)
> On Nov 18, 2014 2:50 PM, "mahedi kaysar" <>
> wrote:
>> Thanks Maxim. From my application, I want to receive xml or json object
>> from the other server (not OM) for each client entered in the conference
>> room. If server changes some data then client should be notified
>> immediately. That is the scenario.
>> At first. I guess it can be implemented by web socket (WebSocket class)
>> connection. In google, I found that  XMLSocket can be used for this
>> purpose.
>> From the bellow link of Sebastian Wagner's mail list: I found that:
>> *he hard thing about the XMLSocket is*
>> *> that you have to handle "spontanious disconnected Clients*
>> So, I little bit confused about that. As I am new in that scenario I have
>> to decide which is better way to implement in OM.
>> Could you please suggest me about that. Can this scenario be implemented
>> in other way?
>> Best Regards
>> Mahedi
>> On 18 November 2014 13:20, Maxim Solodovnik <> wrote:
>>> Could you please describe more detailed what are you trying to achive?
>>> WBR, Maxim
>>> (from mobile, sorry for the typos)
>>> On Nov 18, 2014 1:20 PM, "mahedi kaysar" <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Dear Maxim.
>>>> I want to create XML socket connection. Is it possible to implement it
>>>> in OM? Or is there any other way the OM using for persistent network
>>>> connection?
>>>> Thanks.
>>>> Mahedi
>> --
>> *Md. Mahedi KaysarResearch AssistantINSIGHT Research CentreNUI Galway,
>> Ireland*
>> *Email:
>> <>*


*Md. Mahedi KaysarResearch AssistantINSIGHT Research CentreNUI Galway,
*Email: <>*

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