No, i don't have. If double check
ldapsearch -LLL -H ldap:// -W -D
'CN=openmeeting,CN=Users,dc=fp,dc=star' -b 'dc=fp,dc=star' -s sub
ldapsearch -LLL -H ldap:// -W -D
'CN=openmeeting,CN=Users,dc=fp,dc=star' -b 'dc=fp,dc=star' -s sub
This two command give me the same result....
I've also try with a different account same result.
It was working fine with version 3.0.2
Le 24/11/2014 17:28, Maxim Solodovnik a écrit :
The error states: "more than 1 user found in LDAP" do you have
multiple users with the same email?
Can you check the query with LDAPExplorer? Is it also returns more
than 1 record?
On Tue, Nov 25, 2014 at 7:30 AM, TRAPPE Vincent
< <>> wrote:
i've upgraded from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3, and change my ldap
configuration according the new file format.
In the web interface i got always error : Unknown error. Please
report this to the administrator
and the log i got the error :
DEBUG 11-24 15:15:33.924 1796215 165
[http-nio-] - LdapLoginmanagement.doLdapLogin
ERROR 11-24 15:15:33.992 1796283 255
[http-nio-] - more than 1 user found in LDAP
I want user to be authenticated by their email address that's why
i'm using attribute *userPrincipalName
*Thanks for your help
PS: My ldap conf file
//# Login distinguished name (DN) for Authentication on LDAP
Server - keep empty if not required//
//# Use full qualified LDAP DN//
//# Loginpass for Authentication on LDAP Server - keep empty if
not required//
//# base to search for userdata(of user, that wants to login)//
//# Fieldnames (can differ between Ldap servers) //
//# the scope of the search might be: OBJECT, ONELEVEL, SUBTREE//
//# userDN format, will be used to bind if ldap_auth_type=SIMPLEBIND//
//# might be used to get provisionningDn in case ldap_auth_type=NONE//
//# Ldap provisioning type(NONE, AUTOCREATE, AUTOUPDATE)//
//# Set this to 'true' if you want to use admin_dn to get user
//# If any other value is set, user_dn will be used//
//# Ldap-password synchronization to OM DB//
//# Set this to 'true' if you want OM to synchronize the user
Ldap-password to OM's internal DB//
//# If you want to disable the feature, set this to any other
//# Defautl value is 'true'//
//# Ldap user attributes mapping//
//# Set the following internal OM user attributes to their
corresponding Ldap-attribute//
Maxim aka solomax