Hello Victor,

please could you subscribe to the openmeetings user mailinglist and
describe your problem?

Here is the answer of Maxim, the developer of openmeetings:

"room_recording_id should be of type long integer
I guess they have some errors and this errors goes to this field

Is it possible to request contents of this column?"

Thanks & Greetings,

Am 04.11.2014 um 16:31 schrieb Víctor Cardillo:
> Hello Michael:
> Another error that we found was in the "room_recording_id field". It
> created with bigint(10), and it causes insertion errors when you create
> an OpenMeetings activity. When we changed this field to varchar(255),
> the error was solved.
> I think that you need to change the following file:
> https://code.google.com/a/apache-extras.org/p/openmeetings-moodle-plugin/source/browse/trunk/db/install.xml
> Greetings, Víctor.
> 2014-11-04 14:05 GMT+01:00 Michael Wuttke <mwut...@beuth-hochschule.de
> <mailto:mwut...@beuth-hochschule.de>>:
>     Hello Víctor,
>     thanks a lot for your answer. I asked, because of avoiding the same
>     error.
>     Maybe we can find a solution from the openmeetings plugin site.
>     Greetings,
>     Michael

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