Thank you for your suggestions. Here's the answers:

<< Could you check public_xx.jnlp what values it contains? (Host, port etc.)
The host is correct and the port is 5080 which is open

<< Also there should be screensharing.log file on your machine
The log file when screen sharing is attempted from the Internet produces this 
DEBUG 10-18 13:14:58.322 244 o.a.o.s.w.CoreScreenShare [AWT-EventQueue-2] - 
 INFO 10-18 13:14:58.322 254 o.r.c.n.r.BaseRTMPClientHandler [AWT-EventQueue-2] 
- rtmpt://##.##.#.##:5080/openmeetings/
ERROR 10-18 13:14:58.612 73 o.a.o.s.w.RTMPTScreenShare [Thread-22] - null
 WARN 10-18 13:15:00.682 281 o.a.o.s.w.g.ScreenSharerFrame [AWT-EventQueue-2] - 
Sharing action is already requested
DEBUG 10-18 13:17:19.972 345 o.a.o.s.w.CoreScreenShare [AWT-EventQueue-2] - 
ScreenShare stopStream
DEBUG 10-18 13:17:19.972 630 o.a.o.s.w.g.ScreenSharerFrame [AWT-EventQueue-2] - 
DEBUG 10-18 13:17:19.982 642 o.a.o.s.w.g.ScreenSharerFrame [AWT-EventQueue-2] - 
 INFO 10-18 13:17:19.982 505 o.r.c.n.r.BaseRTMPClientHandler [AWT-EventQueue-2] 
- Connection was null

The log file when screen sharing is attempted from within network produces no 
DEBUG 10-31 16:08:53.969 244 o.a.o.s.w.CoreScreenShare [AWT-EventQueue-2] - 
 INFO 10-31 16:08:54.054 254 o.r.c.n.r.BaseRTMPClientHandler [AWT-EventQueue-2] 
- rtmp://
 INFO 10-31 16:08:54.534 165 o.s.s.c.ThreadPoolTaskExecutor [NioProcessor-2] - 
Initializing ExecutorService 
 INFO 10-31 16:08:55.175 159 o.r.s.n.r.RTMPHandshake [NioProcessor-2] - 
Processing server response for encryption
 INFO 10-31 16:08:55.176 186 o.r.s.n.r.RTMPHandshake [NioProcessor-2] - Type 0 
digest comparison success
 INFO 10-31 16:08:55.203 251 o.r.s.n.r.RTMPHandshake [NioProcessor-2] - server 
response part 2 validation success, is Flash Player v9 handshake
DEBUG 10-31 16:08:55.205 50 o.a.o.s.w.RTMPScreenShare [NioProcessor-2] - 
connection opened
 INFO 10-31 16:08:55.582 764 o.r.c.n.r.BaseRTMPClientHandler 
[ThreadPoolTaskExecutor-1] - No service provider / method not found; to handle 
like onBWCheck, add a service provider
DEBUG 10-31 16:08:55.669 197 o.a.o.s.w.CoreScreenShare 
[ThreadPoolTaskExecutor-1] - ########## setConnectionAsSharingClient
DEBUG 10-31 16:08:55.855 630 o.a.o.s.w.g.ScreenSharerFrame 
[ThreadPoolTaskExecutor-1] - sharingActionRequested=false
DEBUG 10-31 16:08:55.881 658 o.a.o.s.w.CoreScreenShare 
[ThreadPoolTaskExecutor-1] - createPublishStream result stream id: 1; name: 
DEBUG 10-31 16:08:55.882 661 o.a.o.s.w.CoreScreenShare 
[ThreadPoolTaskExecutor-1] - setup capture thread spinnerWidth = 1600; 
spinnerHeight = 
DEBUG 10-31 16:08:55.966 364 o.a.o.s.w.CoreScreenShare 
[ThreadPoolTaskExecutor-1] - onStreamEvent Invoke #0: Service: null Method: 
onStatus Num 
Params: 1 0: {clientid=1, level=status, 
details=7e34bc025dbf37e9ca675d9ff875c2b4, description=, 
DEBUG 10-31 16:08:55.966 371 o.a.o.s.w.CoreScreenShare 
[ThreadPoolTaskExecutor-1] - onStreamEvent Publish start
 INFO 10-31 16:08:55.967 764 o.r.c.n.r.BaseRTMPClientHandler 
[ThreadPoolTaskExecutor-1] - No service provider / method not found; to handle 
like onBWCheck, add a service provider
DEBUG 10-31 16:09:21.460 345 o.a.o.s.w.CoreScreenShare [AWT-EventQueue-2] - 
ScreenShare stopStream
DEBUG 10-31 16:09:21.461 630 o.a.o.s.w.g.ScreenSharerFrame [AWT-EventQueue-2] - 
DEBUG 10-31 16:09:21.465 642 o.a.o.s.w.g.ScreenSharerFrame [AWT-EventQueue-2] - 
DEBUG 10-31 16:09:21.465 57 o.a.o.s.w.RTMPScreenShare [NioProcessor-2] - 
connection closed
 INFO 10-31 16:09:21.527 203 o.s.s.c.ThreadPoolTaskExecutor [AWT-EventQueue-2] 
- Shutting down ExecutorService
DEBUG 10-31 16:09:21.534 345 o.a.o.s.w.CoreScreenShare [NioProcessor-2] - 
ScreenShare stopStream
DEBUG 10-31 16:09:21.534 630 o.a.o.s.w.g.ScreenSharerFrame [NioProcessor-2] - 
DEBUG 10-31 16:09:21.535 642 o.a.o.s.w.g.ScreenSharerFrame [NioProcessor-2] - 

<< Also please check application.base.url configuration value
I can't find the application.base.url file

thanks again for your help
Date: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 01:24:51 +0700
Subject: Re: Screen Sharing Concern

Could you check public_xx.jnlp what values it contains? (Host, port etc.)

Also there should be screensharing.log file on your machine, maybe it contains 
anything useful.

Also please check application.base.url configuration value
WBR, Max (from mobile)
On Oct 30, 2014 11:53 PM, "J Hobbs" <> wrote:

Hi All,
I have a screen sharing concern. If I run screen sharing on my private network 
(within the firewall), 
everything works fine and I'm able to share my screen; however, when I try and 
run screen sharing from 
outside my network (from the Internet) the "Start sharing" button (on the 
"Desktop sharer" dialog 
screen) will not work - ie clicking the button does nothing.

This is obviously a port issue so in addition to opening ports 5080 and 1935, I 
opened 843, 5443, 
8443, 8088, 9999 and 9998 (all the OpenMeetings ports that I could find), but 
screen sharing still will not 
work from the Internet past the "Start sharing" button.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to fix this?                            

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