Are you using your old config or adapting the new one?
The keys and syntax are changed

On 24 October 2014 20:50, Thibault Le Meur <>

> Hi,
> The problem is that it depends so much on the AD structure that it is
> difficult to cover all possible setups.
> I think the best way to prepare the setup is to use an LDAP browser such
> as LDAPExplorer tool:
> * install
> * Ask your AD administrator for a UserDN  that can be used to connct to
> the directory such as:
> CN=MyPowerUser,CN=Users,DC=myDomainPart1,DC=myDomainPart2,DC=myDomainPart3
> * Check if SSL can be used or not (usually not using anonymous bind)
> * check the BaseDN that will be used, usually
> DC=myDomainPart2,DC=myDomainPart3
> Once connected with LdapExplorer, browse the directory to check if you can
> see the users. If you can't, then:
> * double check the search BaseDN, and try an "upper" basseDN
> * doubleCheck with your AD administrator that the CN=MyPowerUser account
> has the right to read the directory
> Once you've done these tests, post your results on the list and we'll help
> define your best setup for OM.
> My 2 cents,
> Thibault
> Le 24/10/2014 15:26, Peteris Krisjanis a écrit :
>  Hi!
>> Is there well defined know how how to connect OM with regular AD?
>> I have tried it in various configurations but no luck. So I would like
>> to understand what is recommended ways to do so. It worked in OM 2 but
>> with reworked LDAP support OM 3 it stopped to work for some reason.
>> Whatever I use anonymous search and bind I get not found message in
>> logs. When I try to authenticate it fails to do so. I suspect some
>> security stuff is required and that's missing. But it worked with OM 2
>> for some strange reason.
>> Server is Windows Server 2012.
>> Respectfully and thanks for all hard work,
>> Peter.

Maxim aka solomax

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