it seems persistence.xml content is not good enough, could you share it via
pastebin so I can check?

On 13 October 2014 17:05, hadi sumarsono <> wrote:

> I am trying your advice but on browser said :
> *OpenMeetings - Loading ...*
> The server is not yet completely initialized. Please try again in a couple
> of seconds.
> If this message persists for several minutes contact your
> Sys-Administration.
> If that message stays forever you should check the logs located in
> openmeetings_install_dir/log
> folder, probably your database user/pwd/host is wrong!
> I check persistence.xml content is right user/pwd/host but MySql said no
> tables create.
> something wrong with MySql connect, I guess. can I create tables manually?
> Warm regard,
> Hadi
> On Mon, Oct 13, 2014 at 1:39 PM, Maxim Solodovnik <>
> wrote:
>> yes
>> On 13 October 2014 13:37, hadi sumarsono <> wrote:
>>> as your answer, run OM installer one more time... am I enough to running
>>> script ./ ...?
>>> On Mon, Oct 13, 2014 at 11:40 AM, Maxim Solodovnik <
>>> > wrote:
>>>> you are right I forgot
>>>> 1.1) copy mysql*.jar into webapps/openmeeting/WEB-INF/lib/
>>>> you will be able to connect to MySql, but it will contain no data
>>>> (users/rooms/strings etc.)
>>>> So after switching DB you need to run OM installer one more time (web
>>>> based installer will be accessible automatically, command line installer
>>>> can be run manually)
>>>> On 13 October 2014 11:22, hadi sumarsono <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Solodovnik.
>>>>> I have same approach to switch to MySql, but at point-3, what is must
>>>>> reinstall?
>>>>> with mysql-connector-java-5.1.29 can I connecting OpenMeeting with
>>>>> MySqkl?
>>>>> On Mon, Oct 13, 2014 at 10:58 AM, Maxim Solodovnik <
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hello Paul,
>>>>>> AFAIK Derby supports only one app at the time, so I would suggest to
>>>>>> switch to MySql (or Postres maybe) performance might also be better in 
>>>>>> this
>>>>>> case :)
>>>>>> to switch you need to
>>>>>> 1) copy
>>>>>> webapps/openmeeting/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/mysql_persistence.xml
>>>>>> webapps/openmeeting/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/persistence.xml
>>>>>> 2) set correct host, port, DB name, user, password
>>>>>> 3) reinstall
>>>>>> in case you have valuable data in your Derby DB you can perform
>>>>>> export/import to preserve it
>>>>>> On 13 October 2014 06:31, Paul Squires <
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>> I'm currently working on an installation with both OpenMeetings and
>>>>>>> Asterisk running off the same box.
>>>>>>> I used the OM / Asterisk guide:
>>>>>>> and after modifying the socket location in /etc/odbc.ini to point to
>>>>>>> the right place, I ran
>>>>>>> echo "select 1" | isql -v asterisk-connector
>>>>>>> and it told me that it can't find a database called "openmeetings".
>>>>>>> I then realised that while the above ini file is looking for MySQL, my
>>>>>>> current OM install is running with Derby.
>>>>>>> So, I have a question...
>>>>>>> - What do I need to change in the odbc.ini file for it work with
>>>>>>> Derby?
>>>>>>> ... or, if that can't be done...
>>>>>>> - What do I need to change in OM config to make it point to a MySQL
>>>>>>> db rather than Derby?
>>>>>>> Thanks in advance,
>>>>>>> Paul
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> WBR
>>>>>> Maxim aka solomax
>>>> --
>>>> WBR
>>>> Maxim aka solomax
>> --
>> WBR
>> Maxim aka solomax

Maxim aka solomax

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