I followed the three steps to install OpenMeetings Server.
I downloaded the latest zip apache-openmeetings-3.0.2.zip <http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/openmeetings/3.0.2/bin/apache-openmeetings-3.0.2.zip>, I unpacked it, ran red5.bat and then ran the webinstaller. I was never asked for a database. How do i get in DB in order to modify naviglobal and navimain?

Am 26.08.2014 12:41, schrieb Maxim Solodovnik:
It is in DB
naviglobal, navimain tables for order
field* for labels (can be edited using GUI)

On 26 August 2014 17:39, Tess <eb...@web.de <mailto:eb...@web.de>> wrote:

    I have a question. How can I make changes in the menubar (and
    textfiles) like changing the position or the text and where can I
    find those files in the openmeetings folder (Home, Rooms,
    Recordings, Administration, Dashboard, Calender, ...)? I
    appreciate any help.
    best regards,

Maxim aka solomax

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