Thank you, Maxim...

I will give this a try soon, and will feedback with findings and results. Unfortunately, I believe I am stuck with CentOS for now.

BEST regards...


On 8/25/2014 10:43 PM, Maxim Solodovnik wrote:
1) I would recommend 3.0.3-SNAPSHOT (it is currently in pre-RC2 stage)
2) I would prefer Debian/Ubuntu :) Configuring on CentOS always leads to weird issues. CentOS 5 or 6 should be equal for OM. The only notes I keep in mind are: you need group+headless for OpenOffice and you need to compile latest ffmpeg

On 26 August 2014 01:41, Scott Woods I < <>> wrote:

    Hello, all...

    Please excuse if the answer to this is easy to find, but I have
    Googled various strings, but can't seem to find:

    1. Which OM version is latest stable release for CentOS 5.11?

    Bonus question:
    2. Is it critical that I upgrade CentOS to v6 rather than v5?

    Thank you!


Maxim aka solomax

Best regards...

Scott Woods


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