Hello, i'm testing openmeetings with the version

I'm trying to change the application name, and i followed all the
instruction in the site (http://openmeetings.apache.org/WebappNamePath) but
my problem is that
i still see on the right side of the home page in the box with the title
"how to conference" the text:  *"**$APP_NAME, your web conferencing
platform. You can either follow the 1-2-3 steps to enter a conference room
directly or you choose the Calendar to set up and plan a meeting."*

I can't understand how to change that $APP_NAME.. i changed the field "
application.name" in the administration->configuration section and the file
config.xml in the public folder and everything works but the only text that
still remain wrong is that.. i cant understand.  can anyone help me please?


*Matteo Veroni*

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