
As I mentioned I am able to send email to external gmail recipient when I
connect to localhost through telnet. Thus the port: 25 can't be
closed/blocked for outgoing traffic, right?

If I nmap locahost (25 is  open)
If I nmap cineserver.3p.tuc.gr (FQDN)  (25 is closed... I tried to open
through iptables ... no luck) , but that can't be the problem when
*sending*email. I suppose it would be a problem for
*receiving* emails... right?

Btw if I  netstat -tulpn | grep :25
tcp        0      0  *
LISTEN      3506/exim4
tcp        0      0*
LISTEN      3506/exim4
tcp6       0      0 ::1:25                  :::*
LISTEN      3506/exim4

so exim daemon is listening through 25 , it can't send trhough other port i
suppose :P

Anyway I can create users manually or let it open I suppose :)

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