I guess this need to be double-checked (using debug client) with real-time
monitoring of the logs.
I believe JIRA issue should be filed with all details found

On Tue, Dec 10, 2013 at 10:22 PM, Sanjay Rao <san...@4raos.com> wrote:

> Hello everyone,
>    I am having a strange problem where an invited user can chat but
> moderator cannot. Steps I am following are -
> Create a room with - addRoomWithModerationExternalTypeAndAudioType
> Create user object and moderator for this room with -
> setUserObjectAndGenerateRoomHashByURLAndRecFlag and enter the room with
> that secure hash
> Generate an invitation to a user with - getInvitationHash and enter the
> room with that invitation hash
> User's chat is echoed on his window as well as on the moderator's but,
> moderator's chat goes nowhere.
> Greatly appreciate help to resolve this problem.
> Thanks
> Sanjay
> PS: Some parameters I am using - just in case
> addRoomWithModerationExternalTypeAndAudioType (ispublic=true
> appointment=false isModeratedRoom=true allowUserQuestions=false)
> setUserObjectAndGenerateRoomHashByURLAndRecFlag (becomeModeratorAsInt=1)

Maxim aka solomax

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