Hey everyone,
I wanted to make swf documents (like PDF, presentations etc.) draggable and
resizable (later on with keeping the ratio).
Draggable was no problem, in basedraw.lzx, method "doShowObjectBounds" I
changed "canBeDragged:boundingDoUpdateOnInit" into "canBeDragged:true". But I
can't get my PDF to change its size... I tried to set "canBeResized:true" and
changed the resize-icon on the bottom right of a selected object to be
permanent visible, but if I try to resize the document it doesn't work. It
seems to work internal, because the boundingbox changes and when trying to
select the object again, one can only click the resized area, but the document
looks the same. Is it possible to make swf documents resizable or can't swf be