Hello, Michael!

YES, you are right! Unfortunately, Non moderator user can open document on public drive and place it on WB and delete it from WB. But he can't move it(at least in OM 2.1.1 with Vasily modification of zoom). I guess this is an Jira issue. Maxim?


On 04.12.2013 18:28, Michael Wuttke wrote:
Hello Sergey, Hello Maxim,

i could reproduce the case with the non moderator user in a OM
conference room via moodle. I tested it with OM 2.2 build 23.

The non moderator user is still able to move a presentation to the
whiteboard or change sites of the uploaded presentation on the
whiteboard - with a right click of the mouse on the uploaded file in the
public drive sector.

He is not able to "Edit name". (see pictureI.png)
He is not able to "Delete file". (see pictureI.png)
He is not abl eto move the file to Trash. (same same)
But he is able to "Open document", to move and to delete the document
(see pictures III - VI)

A smal feature reqeust
It would be very helpful, if a normal /non moderator user could download
a presentation at this place. Is ist possilbe to integrate this feature?

Thank you very much & greetings,

Am 13.11.2013 17:53, schrieb IamTutor Rus:
I couldn't reproduce this bug in OM 2.1.1 via SOAP.

2013/11/13 Michael Wuttke <michael.wut...@beuth-hochschule.de


     i could reproduce the case that a normal user (without the rights of a
     moderator) in a OM conference room is able to move a presentation to the
     whiteboard or change sites of a uploaded presentation on the whiteboard.
     The normal user can do this at the files tab with a right click of the
     mouse on the uploaded file in the public drive sector and after that he
     is able selecting to open the document.

     Is it a bug or I am wrong?


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