So I hope my understanding here is correct:

If i want to edit the location of the ChatTab to the righthand side of the
window instead of the bottom of the window for a public conference room.. i
would need to:

open this source file: baseConferenceRoom.LZX and modify the:

<baseTabChatPanel name="_chatPanelStrict" labelid="616"
       x="${ parent._sidePanel.width }"
       y="${ canvas.height - (this.height) -
((canvas.currentRoomObj.hideTopBar) ? 0 : 28) }"
       width="${ canvas.width - parent._sidePanel.width }"
       isopen="${ !canvas.currentRoomObj.chatOpened }" />
       <!-- isopen need to be reverted, will be toggled -->

If i want it on the right hand side i assume it needs to be changed to
something like:

   <baseTabChatPanel name="_chatPanelStrict" labelid="616"
          isopen="${ !canvas.currentRoomObj.chatOpened }" />

Would this work or would i have to implement some other changes aswell in
order to ensure there is no interference with the screen sharing or the

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