I am so sorry. My mistake. Problem exists on OM 2.1, but not on the 2.1.1. At least with SOAP connection on the OM 2.1.1 there is no picture freezing after relogon.

23.10.2013 17:21, IamTutor Rus ?????:
In my case it were:
room type - public conference room with moderator
user role - moderator
2 jpg files, which I drop on the whiteboard to test this bug
unfortunate, i can't post a log now, cause do not have ssh to the server till evening(in Moscow).
that's all :)

2013/10/23 Maxim Solodovnik <solomax...@gmail.com <mailto:solomax...@gmail.com>>

    Any specific repo steps? Or conditions?
    room types, user roles etc.

    On Wed, Oct 23, 2013 at 8:00 PM, IamTutor Rus
    <iamtutor...@gmail.com <mailto:iamtutor...@gmail.com>> wrote:

        Hi everyone!

        The problem is present in the OM 2.1.1 definitely . Tested
        yesterday. Got the same resultas author of thread, but when I
        reconnect to the room and clear whiteboard - everything looks


        2013/10/23 Vasiliy Degtyarev <va...@unipro.ru


            I have tested on latest om 2.2 revision, bug is not
            What version openmeetings you use?
            Could you please check openmeetings.log file.


            On 23.10.2013 8:42, Gerente de Sistemas wrote:

            2013/10/22 "Mathias Bässler" <01001...@web.de


                I stumbled upon the following problem: When I drag
                two or more pictures into the whiteboard everything
                works as it should, pictures are draggable, resizable
                Then I leave the room and enter it again. Now my
                pictures are still loaded into the whiteboard. When I
                try to select a picture the last picture I dragged
                into the whiteboard before leaving is selected, no
                matter which picture I click. I can only select and
                drag, resize,... this last picture. If I delete it
                and try to select a remaining picture, everything
                freezes/crashes. I was trying to fix this, but I
                don't know where I have to look...
                Could you tell me which files/methods are involved
                when loading a saved session?

                Thanks in advance


-- WBR
    Maxim aka solomax

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