

Are you saying that Moodle and OpenMeetings are working correctly on the local 
LAN, but when accessing externally from the Interent there are connection 
problems ?


You said;

“Could it be an issue that the request to the openmeetings server is coming 
from an address which looks like http://host.domain.com:port/ and not the usual 
http://host.domain.com/ (in other words if there is a problem that the request 
is coming from a url that has a port as well)”, I don’t believe that the 
addition of the port number should be a problem. This has never been a issue 
for myself.  This just tells the web browser to use a port other than port 80 
when initiating the connection to the server.


I can only suggest that there is something is either blocking or not forwarding 
one of the default OpenMeetings ports 5080, 1935, 8088, to your server ?


What messages are you getting when you access 
http://host.domain.com:5080/openmeetings/ ?


Is there anything logs in the red5/log/ folder that indicates the issue?



Use the Debug-Application: Enter in your browser 
http://$RED-HOST:$RED5-PORT/openmeetings/?swf=maindebug.as3.swf11.swf for 
example http://localhost:5080/openmeetings/?swf=maindebug.as3.swf11.swf 

http:// host.domain.com:5080/openmeetings/?swf=maindebug.as3.swf11.swf 








George Kirkham




From: Constantinos Ntzoufras [mailto:costasntz...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Friday, 14 June 2013 7:46 AM
To: user@openmeetings.apache.org
Subject: Error 109 (net::ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE): Unable to reach the server.


I have a problem that i have not managed yet to figure out.


I have installed the OpenMeetings server and the OpenMeetings Moodle plugin for 
a Moodle website that i run on the same machine. The machine's operating system 
is CentOS 6.4.


In my LAN i can access directly from every device/workstation the Moodle 
website (which runs in port 7777 instead of 80) and the Openmeetings server (in 
port 5080)

From a different network though, (e.g. from my work), even though i am able to 
connect to the Moodle Website (on the same port as in my LAN 7777) and the 
Openmeetings server (5080) i am not able to connect to a test openmeetings room 
from the Moodle Plugin.


The exact case is that i have created a test openmeetings room and when i try 
to access it i get a 


Error 109 (net::ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE): Unable to reach the server.


inside the OpenMeetings frame in the Moodle website, from Google Chrome. 


I have added in my router every port (5080, 8088, 9999, 1935, 4445, 8443) and 
on my CentOS machine i have added all of these ports on the firewall, with 
SELinux disabled.


A main problem is that my ISP is blocking requests to my public ip from my LAN,

in other words i cannot access my.exampleserver.network.net from inside my LAN.

Plus, i am not able to use ports 80 and 8080 to run the website there because 
my ISP blocks them so as not to collide with the web interface of the router 
that runs there.


Could it be an issue that the request to the openmeetings server is coming from 
an address which looks like http://host.domain.com:port/ and not the usual 
http://host.domain.com/ (in other words if there is a problem that the request 
is coming from a url that has a port as well)


Thank you


Constantinos Ntzoufras 

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