Hi Maxim,

I think I found an issue in the parameter values for red5-highperf
in the openSuse environment together with OM2.1:

If I start the red5-highperf.sh the following message are
reported in the log file:
Running on  Linux
Starting Red5

The stack size specified is too small, Specify at least 160k
Could not create the Java virtual machine.

Related to your proposal I have changed only the -Xmx.
But now I have changed the -Xss to 256K also, because the error
message says the stack size is to small with 128K (min required
is 160K).

My new red5-highperh.sh:

# export JAVA_OPTS="-Xrs -Xms512M -Xmx1024M -Xss128K -XX:NewSize=256m -XX:Surviv orRatio=16 -XX:MinHeapFreeRatio=20 -XX:+ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent -XX:+UseConc
MarkSweepGC -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true -Xverify:none"

export JAVA_OPTS="-Xrs -Xms512M -Xmx2048M -Xss256K -XX:NewSize=256m -XX:Survivor Ratio=16 -XX:MinHeapFreeRatio=20 -XX:+ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent -XX:+UseConcMa
rkSweepGC -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true -Xverify:none"


Now I can start the red5-highperh.sh in V2.0. The test with the new values I will
start at the afternoon with 2.1.

About openSuse and Java/OM2.1:
I'm a little bit confused about this behavior. Is this only in openSuse that
are min 160K are necessary? Needs OM 2.1 more space than OM 2.0?

If it so ... is there are a FAQ to insert this information?

Best regards


Am 2013-06-03 07:24, schrieb Holger Schranz:
Hi Maxim and good morning,

I will test this today afternoon and post the result.
Thank you.

Best regards


Am 03.06.2013 06:51, schrieb Maxim Solodovnik:
Hello Holger,

OM is shipped with following scripts:
admin.sh (admin.bat)
red5-debug.sh (red5-debug.bat)
red5-highperf.sh (red5-highperf.bat)
red5.sh (red5.bat)

each can be run as follows:

*JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx=3G" ./run.sh*

this way you will set maximum memory available for Java to 3G

On Sun, Jun 2, 2013 at 11:12 PM, Holger Schranz <hol...@fam-schranz.de
<mailto:hol...@fam-schranz.de>> wrote:

    Hi Maxim,

sorry but I can't find the location of the file you wrote (run.sh?).
    I'm not a java specialist.

    Anyway, I have tested the V2.0 in the openSuse 12.3_32Bit
    with 4 Gbyte physical memory. It runs without any problems
    with 4 persons in the meeting.

    Also one news. After I restart the VirtualBox it was possible
    to connect and login successfully. I opened the admin menu
    and insert 3 members.

    Than I try to start a video session. I run once more in the
    memory fault.

    Therefore I will wait of the next mail from you.

    Best regards


    Am 02.06.2013 15:59, schrieb Maxim Solodovnik:

    Please try to use -Xmx=3gb, if I'm not mistaken, in run.sh.
    If it will not work ill check the option later today

    On Jun 2, 2013 8:55 PM, "Holger Schranz" <hol...@fam-schranz.de
    <mailto:hol...@fam-schranz.de>> wrote:

        Hi Maxim,

        the machine himself have in total 32 GByte physical memory.
        Allocated to the VirtualBox-VM where OM 2.1 is install
        are up to 8GByte physical memory usable. During the test
        there was 3 GByte physical memory free.

        After try to highperf:

        Running on  Linux
        Starting Red5

        The stack size specified is too small, Specify at least 160k
        Could not create the Java virtual machine.

        Best regards


        Am 02.06.2013 14:39, schrieb Maxim Solodovnik:

        according to your errors you have insufficient memory.
        How much physical memory do you have?
        How much memory Java have? Have you tried to run highperf

        On Jun 2, 2013 4:21 PM, "Holger Schranz"
<hol...@fam-schranz.de <mailto:hol...@fam-schranz.de>> wrote:

            Hello at all,

            I have some questions about OM 2.1 and OpenSuse 12.x..

            My environment:
            AMD 8350, 32 GB,
Opensuse 12.3 64Bit runs in a VirtualBox 4.2.12 (newest)
            with 8 GB
            memory size.
            OM 2.1
            /> java -version
            java version "1.6.0_45"
            Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_45-b06)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.45-b01, mixed

Q1) Is somebody in the list which are also used openSuse

            OM 2.0 runs fine but OM 2.1 I can't use.

In my former mail I ask for upgrading from OM 2.0 to 2.1
            once more to Maxim for the fast answer).
Meanwhile I have install another system OpenSuse VM 12.3
            and I
            install OM 2.1 from scratch. The installation was o.k.
            and I configured
            step by step until it was finished and the and I try to

            The login was displayed.

After typin the Admin the screen freeze and the following
            output in
            the log I can see:

            ============= Log
DEBUG 06-01 08:08:51.991 MeetingReminderJob.java 47135407
org.apache.openmeetings.quartz.scheduler.MeetingReminderJob [org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.SchedulerFactoryBean#0_Worker-10]
            - MeetingReminderJob.execute
DEBUG 06-01 08:08:51.992 SessiondataDao.java 47135408 410
            - ****** clearSessionTable:
DEBUG 06-01 08:08:52.840 SessiondataDao.java 47136256 414
            - clearSessionTable: 0
DEBUG 06-01 08:08:53.008 AppointmentDao.java 47136424 929 org.apache.openmeetings.data.calendar.daos.AppointmentDao [org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.SchedulerFactoryBean#0_Worker-10]
            - startStamp 2013-06-01 08:08:53.008
DEBUG 06-01 08:08:53.011 AppointmentDao.java 47136427 930 org.apache.openmeetings.data.calendar.daos.AppointmentDao [org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.SchedulerFactoryBean#0_Worker-10]
            - stopStamp 2013-06-01 08:23:53.008
            DEBUG 06-01 08:08:53.026 AppointmentLogic.java 47136442
org.apache.openmeetings.data.calendar.management.AppointmentLogic [org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.SchedulerFactoryBean#0_Worker-10]
            - doScheduledMeetingReminder : no Appointments in range
            [INFO] [NioProcessor-2]
            org.red5.server.net.rtmp.codec.RTMPProtocolDecoder -
            Action xmlcrm.loginByRemember
DEBUG 06-01 08:08:53.505 SessiondataDao.java 47136921 94
            [NioProcessor-2] - updateUser User SID: null
ERROR 06-01 08:08:53.555 SessiondataDao.java 47136971 106
[NioProcessor-2] - Could not find session to update: null
            [INFO] [NioProcessor-2]
            org.red5.server.net.rtmp.codec.RTMPProtocolDecoder -
            Action ldapconfigservice.getActiveLdapConfigs
DEBUG 06-01 08:08:53.795 LdapConfigDao.java 47137211 246
            [NioProcessor-2] - selectMaxFromConfigurations
            [INFO] [NioProcessor-2]
            org.red5.server.net.rtmp.codec.RTMPProtocolDecoder -
            Action xmlcrm.getLoginOptions
            [INFO] [NioProcessor-2]
            org.red5.server.net.rtmp.codec.RTMPProtocolDecoder -
            Action xmlcrm.loginUser
             WARN 06-01 08:09:04.968 MainService.java 47148384 307
            [NioProcessor-2] - loginUser:
            8df773a58ef1b86aa078628baa372cd6 Antyr
            DEBUG 06-01 08:09:04.969 UserManager.java 47148385 230
            [NioProcessor-2] - Login user SID :
8df773a58ef1b86aa078628baa372cd6 Stored Permanent :false
            [WARN] [NioProaught java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen
space (Hexdump: 61 61 33 37 32 63 64 36 02 00 05 41 6E 74 79 72 02 00 08 41 72 6D 69 6F 68 31 32 01 00 05 00 BF F0
            00 00 00 00 00 00)
            [INFO] [NioProcessor-2]
            org.red5.server.net.rtmp.codec.RTMPProtocolDecoder -
            Action userservice.refreshSession
            [WARN] [NioProcessor-2]
            org.red5.server.net.rtmp.RTMPMinaIoHandler - Exception
            caught PermGen space
            [WARN] [NioProcessor-2]
            org.red5.server.net.rtmp.RTMPMinaIoHandler - Exception
            caught PermGen space

            ============= Log end

The following message was displayed if I type in STRG+C:

            Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Exception
            java.lang.OutOfMemoryError occurred dispatching signal
SIGINT to handler- the VM may need to be forcibly terminated
            Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Exception
            java.lang.OutOfMemoryError occurred dispatching signal
SIGINT to handler- the VM may need to be forcibly terminated
            ============= Logend

I'm not the Java expert, but I believe this is a problem
            in the sytem
            environment of OpenSuse 12.x and not in OM 2.1.

            Hint. Maxim, I have done the steps you described for
            upgrade from 2.0 to
            2.1. Unfortunatelay ... same behavior :(.

            If anybody have the knowledge to solve this issue in
            please share it.

            Best regards


Maxim aka solomax

Holger Schranz / ホルガー シュランツ
Senior Developer
CentricStor Maintenance Team / セントリックストア


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