Also, to change the port numbers you should check here:
There is no Apache configuration, you should do on your red5 server.
Best regards,
13.04.2013 04:46 tarihinde, Maxim Solodovnik yazdı:
since jodconverter 3.0-beta-4
headless is not required.
All you need is specify path to jodconverter/lib in the configurations
(the office will be started ondemand and stopped if not necessary)
On Sat, Apr 13, 2013 at 3:34 AM, Afonso Rech <
<>> wrote:
I got my whiteboard working on the startup folowing these
instructions :
Install Open Office Service on Debian/(K)Ubuntu (versions > 2.3)
I have two another questions to do now :
How do I change ports (have asked already)
That'll be some Apache configuration, I guess...
Can I go to port :80 instead of 5080 ?
What are the changes (and where)?
My professor told me to ask you for what great enterprises that
are using OpenMeetings,
Just to know by.
I'm going to research this, but by the way...
I know that's a great WebConference server, I have installed some
of then.
Thanks to Alexei again.
Have a nice Weekend, here it's cold (for Brazil 10 Celsius means
cold, but I'm wearing bermuda :-)
Sorry for the poor english.., Let's try portuguese...
2013/4/12 Afonso Rech < <>>
Hey there
I used the command on prompt with no -headless option.
The difference is that opened a window of openoffice and while
this windows is opened the docs can be converted.
I'm asking for run this command in the startup of debian,
cause then there's no need to write this line everytime.
Maybe I can't understand what are you saying Alexey...
By the way, another question.
The port configured is the port 5080 to openmeetings.
I need to change to port 80 , where I can change this ?
I tried /etc/apache2 , but that's nothing on there.
Thanks for all.
2013/4/12 Alexei Fedotov <
Hello Afonso,
AFAIK, you should no longer use headless mode, the office
is started on demand.
With best regards / с наилучшими пожеланиями,
Alexei Fedotov / Алексей Федотов,
+7 916 562 8095 <tel:%2B7%20916%20562%208095>
On Fri, Apr 12, 2013 at 10:40 PM, Afonso Rech
< <>> wrote:
> Hey there.
> I have a question
> The .doc as many files are not converting to the whiteboard.
> Just .pdf, .png and the other one native.
> I solved this only adapting this comand line to my
patch, the line (on
> prompt)
> is
> /usr/bin/soffice -headless -nofirststartwizard
> So I can do upload of ANY file of Openmeetings support.
> My question is how to do this comand line with the
debian boot (or any boot
> to do this).
> Because, if not, then I will do this comand every time I
turn on my
> computer.
> Thanks for all.
> Have a nice weekend.
> I guess this is one of the final confs, after this I
will do a battery of
> tests.
> I almost forgot, I do a script and put it on the init.d
(the line above)
> and also on rc2.d but
> with no accept from Openmeetings.
> ("Sorry for the poor english :-)")
> --
> Att.
> Afonso Rech
> Brazil
> <>
Afonso Rech <>
Afonso Rech <>
Maxim aka solomax