Thanks George

On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 12:18 PM, George Kirkham <> wrote:
> Kamran,
> This might get you half way there;
> # mysql -u root -p
> <Enter you mysql password for the mysql root user>
> Now select your openmeetings table (assuming that you did not change it
> name)
> mysql> use openmeetings;
> List all the tables and check for the User table (mine is called
> "users").
> mysql> show tables;
> List the users of the database, and if you know the name of the user
> that you have forgotten, then search for this name.
> SELECT user_id, firstname, lastname, password FROM users WHERE lastname
> like '%userslastname%';
> SELECT user_id, firstname, lastname, password FROM users;
> However the password is encrypted, so you would have to replace the
> encrypted password with the encrypted password of another password that
> you know.  Use the mysql UPDATE command for this.
> Thanks,
> George Kirkham
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kamran Asif []
> Sent: Wednesday, 10 April 2013 4:32 PM
> To:
> Subject: user name & password forgotten
> Hi there,
> I have setup OM on my virtual machine that runs on CentOS 64 bit.  It is
> working fine, but I have forgotten the users name and the password.
> Please let me know the fowling thing.
> 1.       Where is the database location?
> 2.       How to connect database via command line in linux ?
> thank you
> Kamran asif

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