Ok never mind, I've downloaded the source not the bin !

Sorry !

-----Message d'origine-----
De : Clem [mailto:clemf...@free.fr] 
Envoyé : jeudi 4 avril 2013 15:45
À : user@openmeetings.apache.org
Objet : RE: [ANNOUNCE] Apache Openmeetings 2.1.0 released


The content of this release is not the same as the 21 March last build 
(apache-openmeetings-2.1.0.r1459439-21-03-2013_1830.tar.gz), example : there is 
no more webapps dir and lib one has disappeared in WEB-INF dir, I’m a little 
confused … I’ve to install this as a new installation and I cannot “update” 
from the Jenkins builds ?


De : Maxim Solodovnik [mailto:solomax...@gmail.com] Envoyé : jeudi 4 avril 2013 
13:58 À : Openmeetings user-list; dev; annou...@openmeetings.apache.org; 
annou...@apache.org Objet : [ANNOUNCE] Apache Openmeetings 2.1.0 released

The Apache Openmeetings PMC is proud to announce Apache Openmeetings 2.1.0!

This is our first release as Top Level Project!

Please download and build the distribution yourself, or use our convenience 
binary package

 * Source: http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/openmeetings/2.1.0/src
 * Binary: http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/openmeetings/2.1.0/bin

Release Notes 2.1.0

_Integration with Asterisk_
SIP/VOIP integration with Asterisk was refactored. 
Confbridge application is now used instead of Meetme for the conferences.
Sound quality and SIP transport stability was significamtly improved.
Basic support for video is added (is unstable and in beta version stage now).
See also: http://openmeetings.apache.org/red5sip-integration_2.1.html

_Improving the sound and video quality_
All the audio/video related components now use SWF11 for broadcasting and 
receiving audio and video signals. 
Echo cancellation can be enabled in the config. 
H264 video codec is now used instead of H263 to enable SIP video support.

_Private and moderated chat_
Ability to send private chat messages in the room is added as well as the chat 
moderation funmctionality.

_SMS sending module_
Possibility to send SMS message as a meeting reminder is added.
See also: 

_Network testing tool/script_
Network testing tool is implemented and its link is added to the login page.
See also: 

_Improvements in the mail sending process_ Now e-mails are re-send again in 
case of unsuccessfull result at the first attempt or OpenMeetings re-start 
before the sending. 
SMTP setting updates now takes effect just after they saving whereas previously 
they started to work after the OpenMeetings re-start only.

Messages about the meeting updates are sent only when substantial changes were 
Multiple external attendees can be added as one operation, it's now possible to 
specify user name for external guests (user will appear with this name in the 
user list in the room). 

_Room Interface_
Possibility to get invitation link without sending an e-mail was added. 
Confirmation dialog for exclusive audio no longer appears.
Hot key is added to be able to "rearrange" video windows in the room. 
Volume slider on the video pod toolbar was added.

_Recordings and screen sharing improvements_ Some improvements for the screen 
sharing and recordings quality and stability were made.

_Cluster capabilities_
In the beta stage: OpenMeetings  can be configured in the cluster environment 
and is ready for the testing, but development has not been fnished yet. 
See also: http://openmeetings.apache.org/Clustering.html,

_Admin/Calendar HTML5 UI_
Additional HTML5 Wicket based UI (fully customizable with CSS) is added for 
static screens as a proof of the concept.

** Sub-task
    * [OPENMEETINGS-448] - Test and fix latest trunk to be able to import all 
old download zip's

** Bug
    * [OPENMEETINGS-34] - missing entries in XML language files
    * [OPENMEETINGS-49] - Synchronisation between Calendar and Dashboard
    * [OPENMEETINGS-92] - The documents are not deleted from the server after 
removing them from the system
    * [OPENMEETINGS-94] - References to the code.google.com need to be updated
    * [OPENMEETINGS-157] - Registration bug
    * [OPENMEETINGS-166] - Meeting is created with incorrect start time in the 
    * [OPENMEETINGS-180] - bug sending invitation
    * [OPENMEETINGS-196] - Calendar Ical / Simple Mail - double invitation mail
    * [OPENMEETINGS-212] - Activities and actions: "Deny and remove message " 
button is not worked
    * [OPENMEETINGS-243] - "Updated" field in Administration -> LDAP panel 
contains "null" for string for empty value.
    * [OPENMEETINGS-251] - Minors layout problems when translating
    * [OPENMEETINGS-267] - missing translation
    * [OPENMEETINGS-291] - light does not indicate when the user is speaking
    * [OPENMEETINGS-310] - Moodle plugin version
    * [OPENMEETINGS-311] - Language problem after Openmeetings update 
(accessing from Moodle only)
    * [OPENMEETINGS-312] - File was null or did not exist: 
    * [OPENMEETINGS-314] - Webcam Title of user is username of default OM user
    * [OPENMEETINGS-316] - ICS attachments for emails not working with Exchange 
2003/2007 and Outlook 2003/2007
    * [OPENMEETINGS-320] - Exception and layout for screensharing/recording 
    * [OPENMEETINGS-322] - Several Exception in Log
    * [OPENMEETINGS-327] - Add Restart Save Mail-Queue
    * [OPENMEETINGS-328] - screen sharing is not closing automatically
    * [OPENMEETINGS-331] - tooltip for cmd_applyforWhiteBoard room action is 
not set
    * [OPENMEETINGS-343] - OM crashes if Inviteв guest with screen sharing 
rights tries to start screen sharing
    * [OPENMEETINGS-346] - Screen Sharing does not end with end of meeting
    * [OPENMEETINGS-362] - Download of profile images broken
    * [OPENMEETINGS-363] - Some minor bugs in private chat
    * [OPENMEETINGS-364] - User is not removed from user list when he leaves 
the room
    * [OPENMEETINGS-366] - File upload does not show images as options when 
doing file upload
    * [OPENMEETINGS-376] - “Notification type” text overflows the drop down 
data selection area and is partly covered
    * [OPENMEETINGS-378] - Update Calendar email notification rules to send 
notification only when data relevant to the users has been changed
    * [OPENMEETINGS-379] - The Calendar ics format email notification is 
incorrectly formed
    * [OPENMEETINGS-380] - Calendar "Add attendee" option has a second option 
of itself to "Add external" but adding an external attendee does not close this 
    * [OPENMEETINGS-381] - ivy jar in our repository
    * [OPENMEETINGS-382] - LICENSE file mentions both CDDL and GPL
    * [OPENMEETINGS-385] - contextmenu  contextmenuitem
    * [OPENMEETINGS-389] - Create Drupal plugin for OpenMeetings
    * [OPENMEETINGS-391] - Private and public folder does not appear
    * [OPENMEETINGS-392] - privateChatTabBottom
    * [OPENMEETINGS-393] - NumberFormatException while creating user or room
    * [OPENMEETINGS-394] - save and load whiteboard does not work
    * [OPENMEETINGS-396] - ICS attachments not recognised in Outlook 2003
    * [OPENMEETINGS-402] - I cannot open Interview recorded
    * [OPENMEETINGS-403] - Missing rooms
    * [OPENMEETINGS-408] - Interview Room (1)
    * [OPENMEETINGS-415] - NetStream NetStatus event does not work when 
attached to client object
    * [OPENMEETINGS-418] - ScreenShare russian charset
    * [OPENMEETINGS-420] - small problems in the current version
    * [OPENMEETINGS-422] - Java error: TEST_SETUP_xxx.flv does not exist; javax 
error : ClientBroadCast Stream; published name=null
    * [OPENMEETINGS-423] - Installation OM2.0
    * [OPENMEETINGS-424] - Adjust Stream Volume
    * [OPENMEETINGS-428] - Refactor User administration to Wicket
    * [OPENMEETINGS-431] - OpenMeetings behind a proxy doesn't work for screen 
    * [OPENMEETINGS-433] - Add Wicket enabled room administration
    * [OPENMEETINGS-434] - Create admin area for groups, configurations, ldaps, 
    * [OPENMEETINGS-438] - Some bugs
    * [OPENMEETINGS-440] - Problem in installation process
    * [OPENMEETINGS-441] - Can't backup
    * [OPENMEETINGS-445] - Backup Export does not work at all
    * [OPENMEETINGS-449] - Cannot import backup file
    * [OPENMEETINGS-450] - Wicket UI locked after accepting download of backup
    * [OPENMEETINGS-451] - Search in user groups Wicket UI does not work
    * [OPENMEETINGS-453] - Recordings associated with wrong user after import 
if already a user was in the database
    * [OPENMEETINGS-454] - Scrennsharing initiated by invited user ends up in 
exception report
    * [OPENMEETINGS-455] - Create RTMPClient to do a load test
    * [OPENMEETINGS-458] - Missing language string "pluginname"
    * [OPENMEETINGS-459] - Remove RoomClient from database
    * [OPENMEETINGS-466] - Screen Sharing window, Chinese Simplified 
(lang_id=11) text display "?????"
    * [OPENMEETINGS-467] - No internal user can be selected when planning a 
    * [OPENMEETINGS-469] - Deleted meeting data remains in SIP db tables
    * [OPENMEETINGS-472] - red5sip rev68 will not run
    * [OPENMEETINGS-474] - Links to rooms sent via email do not work
    * [OPENMEETINGS-482] - Network check script hangs after the second "Port" 
button click 
    * [OPENMEETINGS-489] - Start recording test hangs if no webcamera connected
    * [OPENMEETINGS-490] - Wrong directory for test file in "Choose device" 
    * [OPENMEETINGS-492] - Restoration of backup failed
    * [OPENMEETINGS-493] - Uploading Libreoffice-format files only results in 
    * [OPENMEETINGS-496] - It's unable to send localized SMS message.
    * [OPENMEETINGS-498] - Backup fails with Exception
    * [OPENMEETINGS-502] - Some labels are hardcoded on the System backup tab 
    * [OPENMEETINGS-504] - Some labels are not translated to russian language
    * [OPENMEETINGS-505] - Values of the "Unerole User" and "Server Address" 
fields are mixed on the Administrator -> Connections tab.
    * [OPENMEETINGS-506] - Localized (russian) file name is not uploaded on the 
Profile tab
    * [OPENMEETINGS-509] - Comment is shown incorrectly in the Choose device 
    * [OPENMEETINGS-512] - Files are not uploaded in the rooms
    * [OPENMEETINGS-515] - Video recording artifacts at the begin of the file
    * [OPENMEETINGS-516] - After graduation tasks
    * [OPENMEETINGS-517] - sensSMS flag is not imported/exported by admin.
    * [OPENMEETINGS-519] - Need to update Configuration page on Openmeetings 
    * [OPENMEETINGS-520] - Missing areas on the recorded video
    * [OPENMEETINGS-521] - The "Show/Copy chat log" and "Delete server chat 
log" buttons are not available for the Ptivate Chat
    * [OPENMEETINGS-523] - download manual ghostcript download link is dead
    * [OPENMEETINGS-524] - Unenroled user is not thrown from the conference 
    * [OPENMEETINGS-525] - Font styles icon is enabled for Ptivate Chat if the 
"Allow font styles" is not enabled for conference room
    * [OPENMEETINGS-526] - Not enough checking in the screensharing/recording
    * [OPENMEETINGS-530] - Network testing tool on login page does not work 
when having OM configured for HTTPS and RTMPS
    * [OPENMEETINGS-531] - Error Missing[XXXX]
    * [OPENMEETINGS-536] - In upload dialog "Select file" does not work
    * [OPENMEETINGS-540] - Uploading of .odt files
    * [OPENMEETINGS-552] - Release blocking UI issues
    * [OPENMEETINGS-561] - Video is not removed on Whiteboard closing
    * [OPENMEETINGS-563] - "Black box" is displayed on test audio/video setup 
    * [OPENMEETINGS-565] - Stackoverflow Exception when you goto your user 
profile and try to save it.
    * [OPENMEETINGS-566] - No default timezone selection in registration/sign 
up when user is in timezone +12
    * [OPENMEETINGS-567] - If you hit the "start upload" button twice, while 
the conversion is running, Openmeetings will run into an error
    * [OPENMEETINGS-568] - OpenMeetings requests access to Cam even if there is 
    * [OPENMEETINGS-569] - Faulty highperf settings in bat script
    * [OPENMEETINGS-572] - Empty fields are replaced with string "null" after 
    * [OPENMEETINGS-580] - Smslib 3.5.3 should be used.
    * [OPENMEETINGS-582] - 2.0 RoomPoll and Configs restore failed

** Improvement
    * [OPENMEETINGS-93] - Create Openmeetings plug-in
    * [OPENMEETINGS-119] - New users french manual
    * [OPENMEETINGS-299] - Language import should be improved to take less time
    * [OPENMEETINGS-339] - File location detection should be centralized
    * [OPENMEETINGS-349] - OM should be scalable 
    * [OPENMEETINGS-356] - Modify Rooms menu to have three options for each of 
the room types
    * [OPENMEETINGS-357] - Users should first log into "Private rooms", have as 
a Admin selectable option for where users first log into
    * [OPENMEETINGS-361] - It should be available to set logo in OM
    * [OPENMEETINGS-384] - Mention that the file parameter is optional for the 
admin setup script
    * [OPENMEETINGS-386] - Import/Export should be automatic based on 
    * [OPENMEETINGS-387] - It should be possible to create Appointment and use 
existent room
    * [OPENMEETINGS-390] - Openmeetings Plugin for Bitrix need to be implemented
    * [OPENMEETINGS-395] - Ability to add multiple external attendees should be 
added to the calendar
    * [OPENMEETINGS-397] - Private chat with chat disabled
    * [OPENMEETINGS-398] - Updated french translation for OM 2.1
    * [OPENMEETINGS-399] - jitsi openmeetings plugin
    * [OPENMEETINGS-400] - Improve volume slider
    * [OPENMEETINGS-436] - Ability to moderate room chat should be added
    * [OPENMEETINGS-470] - SIP meeting extensions
    * [OPENMEETINGS-477] - Possibility to copy invitation link to the clipboard 
should be added
    * [OPENMEETINGS-478] - It should be possible to enable auto videopod 
    * [OPENMEETINGS-480] - It would be better to remove confirmation dialog 
when user turns micro on/off.
    * [OPENMEETINGS-497] - Confirmation diolog for the turning micro on/off is 
    * [OPENMEETINGS-501] - fresh build fails with class org/jdom/JDOMException 
not found in anakia build section
    * [OPENMEETINGS-518] - Sms text sent as a meeting reminder is too long 
    * [OPENMEETINGS-527] - Confirm an exclusive audio
    * [OPENMEETINGS-529] - AEC should be utilized in OM
    * [OPENMEETINGS-535] - an update of the german language file
    * [OPENMEETINGS-541] - Updated version of French language file
    * [OPENMEETINGS-562] - To import ppt presentation delete page
    * [OPENMEETINGS-583] - Ability to disable enhanced microphone should be 

** New Feature
    * [OPENMEETINGS-111] - Command line admin need to be created
    * [OPENMEETINGS-342] - Private Chat should be available in the room
    * [OPENMEETINGS-350] - Hot key should be added to be able to "rearrange" 
video windows in the room
    * [OPENMEETINGS-351] - Add a possibility to send sms as an appointment 
    * [OPENMEETINGS-354] - Volume slider
    * [OPENMEETINGS-383] - Plugin for Joomla should be added to Openmeetings

** Task
    * [OPENMEETINGS-41] - OM without private storage area
    * [OPENMEETINGS-107] - Unify database schema
    * [OPENMEETINGS-248] - Remove LGPL Icons from Symbol/Cliparts and Emoticons
    * [OPENMEETINGS-306] - Initial network quality test
    * [OPENMEETINGS-341] - Update to portugues brasil Language
    * [OPENMEETINGS-414] - Delete SIP Applet from stack
    * [OPENMEETINGS-417] - How to add/register SIP extension in OpenMeeting ?
    * [OPENMEETINGS-446] - Create a Master backup File for last versions 
(including all generated data)
    * [OPENMEETINGS-522] - add Redmine Plugin Link to HomePage
    * [OPENMEETINGS-585] - Clustering documentation

** Test
    * [OPENMEETINGS-50] - content of whiteboards


Release Notes - OpenMeetings - Version 2.0-INCUBATING

    [OPENMEETINGS-8] - Generate CalendarAPI for SOAP/REST WebServices
    [OPENMEETINGS-9] - Design MockUp for new Calendar UI
    [OPENMEETINGS-40] - Merge Audio/Video components to trunk
    [OPENMEETINGS-44] - remove all old audio/video components
    [OPENMEETINGS-47] - fix ScopeApplicationAdapter / sync and message 
broadcasting mechanism to not send messages to SWF10 client
    [OPENMEETINGS-51] - fix url params (invitationHash / secureHash / 
language_id / roomScopeId / et cetera ) to be forwarded to inner SWF components
    [OPENMEETINGS-52] - fix icon status in new video components
    [OPENMEETINGS-53] - Add security mechanism to LocalConnection subscribers
    [OPENMEETINGS-54] - fix recorder to use new audio/video components and fix 
recording itself to reference correct streams
    [OPENMEETINGS-55] - fix testing application (5 second video recording on 
room enter) to use new a/v components
    [OPENMEETINGS-61] - fix screensharing player to use the new audio/video 
    [OPENMEETINGS-62] - Clean up 5-second recordings using a scheduler
    [OPENMEETINGS-65] - fix whiteboard video player to use the new audio/video 
    [OPENMEETINGS-71] - fix interview room type to use new audio/video 
    [OPENMEETINGS-73] - fix mute functionality in new video components
    [OPENMEETINGS-77] - changeDevice.lzx must be transformed to SWF10
    [OPENMEETINGS-79] - SharedObject in SWF10 does not store settings
    [OPENMEETINGS-80] - Some notification windows need to be moved to SWF10
    [OPENMEETINGS-89] - Fix new option "hideWhiteboard" with layout of video 
    [OPENMEETINGS-97] - RTPMSClient for ScreenSharing should be created/tested
    [OPENMEETINGS-98] - "Borrowed" code should be removed from ScreenSharing 
    [OPENMEETINGS-105] - Add the license header to all SWF10 files
    [OPENMEETINGS-170] - When you republish your stream while recording or 
suddenly leave the meeting, the recording has no audio


    [OPENMEETINGS-5] - Invitation default language
    [OPENMEETINGS-15] - Usability problem with login at 
    [OPENMEETINGS-18] - File upload no work
    [OPENMEETINGS-26] - Whiteboard error "arrow tool" dragging from right to 
left in any angle.
    [OPENMEETINGS-28] - LDAP wrong default mapping for firstname
    [OPENMEETINGS-31] - Upload files will not convert to SWF.
    [OPENMEETINGS-48] - Log are either not written or in the wrong logfile
    [OPENMEETINGS-56] - LDAP authentication is not correct
    [OPENMEETINGS-64] - whiteboard id
    [OPENMEETINGS-87] - All DB related JUnit tests are failed
    [OPENMEETINGS-91] - Fix field type's of comment/description fields to use 
datatype Text (instead of VARCHAR(255))
    [OPENMEETINGS-114] - With trunk svn 1307221: LDAP authentication fails 
because user can't be imported into local DB
    [OPENMEETINGS-116] - Menu bar shortcuts do not work
    [OPENMEETINGS-118] - Activity UI: Fix duplicated calls, removal of items 
does not work
    [OPENMEETINGS-122] - Fix JUnit tests
    [OPENMEETINGS-123] - Wildcard on creating WebService docs doesn't work
    [OPENMEETINGS-127] - Backup\Import Asterisk related tables
    [OPENMEETINGS-133] - Sources produced by nightly build should be buildable 
with ant
    [OPENMEETINGS-135] - Video window can't be maximized
    [OPENMEETINGS-137] - Loading of stored whiteboards doesn't work (error in 
loading path)
    [OPENMEETINGS-138] - Errors and quality of Recording with screensharing 
    [OPENMEETINGS-139] - Unable to Add User into Usergroups
    [OPENMEETINGS-140] - Login options/features been reduced in current update
    [OPENMEETINGS-141] - onMetaData Event not thrown in AS3 Non-Debug version
    [OPENMEETINGS-142] - 1-2-3-4 buttons on dashboard don't do anything
    [OPENMEETINGS-144] - When using openLDAP authentication, the source code 
uses the hardcoded 'uid' attribute to map logins and user DNs instead of the 
field_user_principal parameter
    [OPENMEETINGS-145] - Unmuting/exclusive audio doesn't work and icons show 
wrong status in video pod after entering a room
    [OPENMEETINGS-149] - Error while installing on MySQL DB 
    [OPENMEETINGS-150] - Error restoring password
    [OPENMEETINGS-158] - Degradation of the sound quality in recordings in the 
recent release
    [OPENMEETINGS-161] - UI Bugs in private messages
    [OPENMEETINGS-162] - Exception in Screensharing
    [OPENMEETINGS-163] - Recording does no more work if you start to share 
audio/video AFTER starting the recording
    [OPENMEETINGS-164] - java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 5 in 
Recording Conversion
    [OPENMEETINGS-165] - Video freezes as soon as two people have audio/video 
turned on and you start to record the meeting => Convert FLV writers to act 
    [OPENMEETINGS-171] - Screensharing notification not showing when already 
    [OPENMEETINGS-172] - Home drive in recorder UI, minimize the home drive 
makes the list of files empty, drag and rop file from home drive to public drive
    [OPENMEETINGS-174] - CLI import of backup does not work
    [OPENMEETINGS-175] - CLI installer does not create install.xml
    [OPENMEETINGS-176] - Import of Backup from version 1.9.x fails to import 
conference rooms
    [OPENMEETINGS-177] - Meeting Room Invitation Link Not working
    [OPENMEETINGS-178] - Invited user has access to adminstration panel
    [OPENMEETINGS-179] - User Not Removed from chat participants window after 
    [OPENMEETINGS-181] - Video Window, Conference room
    [OPENMEETINGS-182] - OM need to be restarted after fresh installation to 
get menu list
    [OPENMEETINGS-187] - Moderator and his room
    [OPENMEETINGS-188] - Inserting room, horizontal bar does not appear
    [OPENMEETINGS-190] - Problem with language when invoking OM from Moodle 
    [OPENMEETINGS-191] - When I enable HTTPS and RTMPS the screen sharing 
resultant JNLP file has the wrong address = http://servername:443/.... instead 
of https://servername/..... if I edit the JNLP file by hand on the client level 
and change the address it works
    [OPENMEETINGS-193] - Fix timezones that are missing
    [OPENMEETINGS-195] - Send private message / Show user profile buttons
    [OPENMEETINGS-196] - Calendar Ical / Simple Mail - double invitation mail
    [OPENMEETINGS-197] - Calendar Ical / Simple Mail - room language
    [OPENMEETINGS-198] - Password and dashboard calendar event list
    [OPENMEETINGS-199] - Screensharing and recording does not work under OSX 
with Java 64Bit
    [OPENMEETINGS-200] - Invitation link does not arrive
    [OPENMEETINGS-203] - two languages are shown
    [OPENMEETINGS-205] - ReplyTo Field leads to exception when sending emails 
to external users
    [OPENMEETINGS-206] - wrong meeting times
    [OPENMEETINGS-208] - Incorrectly filled "Last name" field on the User 
details form when created user with "Sign in" form
    [OPENMEETINGS-209] - Encoding at install OpenMeetings
    [OPENMEETINGS-210] - Calendar event
    [OPENMEETINGS-211] - NullPointerException in 
    [OPENMEETINGS-214] - When calendar event invitation is sent, 
invitation_text_from value displays with the name of the person for whom the 
invitation is being sent to but should be showing the sender's name
    [OPENMEETINGS-215] - Created date is duplicated where restoring base from 
    [OPENMEETINGS-216] - UI problem
    [OPENMEETINGS-219] -  Delete  button is not visible
    [OPENMEETINGS-225] - If object on whiteboard of type "freedraw" ("paint") 
is dragged/moved, the object is gone when you re-enter the room
    [OPENMEETINGS-229] - "Exit"button is not shown for inviting users from room
    [OPENMEETINGS-230] - Error in the field name on the form "Add external"
    [OPENMEETINGS-232] - Rooms are imported with invalid room types
    [OPENMEETINGS-233] - Font styles in propertyPanel are getting disabled.
    [OPENMEETINGS-234] - Video and Screen sharing not working with HTTPS and 
RTMPS - Java Application starts but doesnt connect - java trace logs shows 
"[WARN] [NioProcessor-2] org.red5.server.net.rtmps.RTMPSMinaIoHandler - 
Exception caught Keystore or password are null"
    [OPENMEETINGS-237] - Calender reminder email invitation link fails due to 
link missing "&language=x" in URL
    [OPENMEETINGS-238] - Calendar shows incorrect day of week for the actual 
date when timezone is GMT+10
    [OPENMEETINGS-239] - Calendar Event details Comment/Description field text 
can overflow the boundary of the Description field of the Meeting Room's Event 
details dialog box
    [OPENMEETINGS-241] - Cannot send emailed Invitations from a Meeting room
    [OPENMEETINGS-242] - Moodle Plugin
    [OPENMEETINGS-244] - Calendar doesn't show Day / Week / Month
    [OPENMEETINGS-246] - Remote Cursor is no more visible
    [OPENMEETINGS-249] - Using LDAP with latest build fails to login, - after 
login screen im prompted with "You account is assigned to multiple 
usergroups... " The drop down list is empty - I have checked the MYSQL DB table 
"oraganisations" and there are two entries there
    [OPENMEETINGS-250] - Moderator loses Moderation
    [OPENMEETINGS-252] - Fix ImportInitValues.java default.timezone not taken 
from install config and add (optional) mapping "ldap_user_attr_timezone" in the 
ldap config
    [OPENMEETINGS-257] - Exception in CLI Installer when installing in a new 
    [OPENMEETINGS-263] - Missing invitation from calendar
    [OPENMEETINGS-264] - Spinners in ScreenSharing applet works improperly
    [OPENMEETINGS-269] - Image Download Issue from the Whiteboard - Naming 
problem and Deletion.jpg file - Reported by George Kirkham
    [OPENMEETINGS-270] - MemoryLeak / Dead-Lock in FlvRecorderConverter
    [OPENMEETINGS-271] - Whiteboad Undo tool does not remove all objects from 
the Whiteboard
    [OPENMEETINGS-272] - When entering a room, the "Choose devices" window is 
behind any attendee video windows.
    [OPENMEETINGS-275] - "User Speaks" icon in Users list does not indicate 
when the person is speaking
    [OPENMEETINGS-277] - Latest build fails to start using RTMPS
    [OPENMEETINGS-278] - When I enter a room and choose a lower resolution the 
"Choose Devices" window shrinks but the text at the top doesn't wrap to re-size
    [OPENMEETINGS-279] - Minimize Video button works improperly
    [OPENMEETINGS-281] - Enhance Language Editor with search fields
    [OPENMEETINGS-282] - Video window "Exclusive Audio" causes tool tips 
message boxes to be left on the screen
    [OPENMEETINGS-283] - Choose devices - Start test recording - no longer 
plays back the recorded clip
    [OPENMEETINGS-284] - Audio is not working
    [OPENMEETINGS-286] - video/audio broadcast problem with language of japanese
    [OPENMEETINGS-287] - Unable to connect from moodle. Builde 
    [OPENMEETINGS-288] - Unable to connect from moodle. Builde 
    [OPENMEETINGS-289] - Unable to connect from moodle. Builde 
    [OPENMEETINGS-294] - Cannot install Openmeetings with mysql
    [OPENMEETINGS-295] - OpenMeetings with rtmp over HTTP Tunneling does not 
work anymore with Red5 r4374
    [OPENMEETINGS-296] - Language export works only in english
    [OPENMEETINGS-297] - Users are imported with invalid country
    [OPENMEETINGS-298] - Problems with shortcut-key 'Ctrl + Shift + m', 
Camera/Mic settings-screen pops-up when typing 'M' (Shift+m)
    [OPENMEETINGS-300] - $APP_NAME placeholder is not correctly handled in some 
email templates
    [OPENMEETINGS-302] - Delete massges in Trash
    [OPENMEETINGS-304] - Can not delete mail in Trash
    [OPENMEETINGS-307] - Language does not load at login
    [OPENMEETINGS-312] - File was null or did not exist: 
    [OPENMEETINGS-314] - Webcam Title of user is username of default OM user
    [OPENMEETINGS-316] - ICS attachments for emails not working with Exchange 
2003/2007 and Outlook 2003/2007
    [OPENMEETINGS-317] - Multiple appointments generated when clicking save 
more than once
    [OPENMEETINGS-319] - Recordings at demo.openmeetings.com are not downloadble
    [OPENMEETINGS-320] - Exception and layout for screensharing/recording client
    [OPENMEETINGS-323] - Update Red5 to latest version (r4380) in both server 
and client library to test RTMPT and file not found exceptions
    [OPENMEETINGS-324] - Limit login


    [OPENMEETINGS-2] - Modify ANT Build script to create correct Build 
Artefacts / Integrate into https://builds.apache.org/
    [OPENMEETINGS-4] - Microphone rooms
    [OPENMEETINGS-10] - openmeetings_1_9_1_r4707 Default Language Error
    [OPENMEETINGS-45] - New Audio/Video Components
    [OPENMEETINGS-46] - Updated German lang file
    [OPENMEETINGS-59] - Japanese translation update
    [OPENMEETINGS-63] - Update Sharing RTMPClient with latest Red5 version and 
test if it works now
    [OPENMEETINGS-66] - Whiteboard Player should aspect ratio when importing a 
video to the whiteboard
    [OPENMEETINGS-83] - multipart.jar should be replaced with implementation 
compatible with ASF licence
    [OPENMEETINGS-86] - SVN directory structure need to be optimized
    [OPENMEETINGS-101] - Linking OpenMeetings tutorials and manuals
    [OPENMEETINGS-113] - Define a default Login-Domain (ie an Ldap domain) to 
be automatically selected in the frontend login window
    [OPENMEETINGS-125] - Text does not fit in the button.
    [OPENMEETINGS-146] - Add mechanism to debug LocalConnection better
    [OPENMEETINGS-184] - When we make a mistake or we use the same ID in users 
add administration menu => all fields become empty !
    [OPENMEETINGS-185] - There is no sense to have two users / moderator / 
administrator with the same email
    [OPENMEETINGS-194] - Command line admin: added parameter "--drop", to drop 
database before install
    [OPENMEETINGS-202] - Calendar event
    [OPENMEETINGS-226] - It should be possible to configure OpenOffice location 
via OM config
    [OPENMEETINGS-245] - configuration table is not backup/restored
    [OPENMEETINGS-247] - Make document conversion quality an administrator 
changeable option
    [OPENMEETINGS-253] - Made some changes to the german language deutsch.xml
    [OPENMEETINGS-259] - English Language Text improvements
    [OPENMEETINGS-268] - Improvements for english text for 506, 
"registering_mail_text_head", 507, "registering_mail_text_head2", 512, 
    [OPENMEETINGS-276] - Need a way to select "Exclusive Audio" for attenees 
who have selected "Audo Only"
    [OPENMEETINGS-285] - Update for Chinese Language text
    [OPENMEETINGS-309] - Complete French translation
    [OPENMEETINGS-313] - Errors with it's types and descriptions should be 
listed on the site

New Feature

    [OPENMEETINGS-129] - Load Icons dynamically at runtime and replace LGPL 
licensed icons
    [OPENMEETINGS-130] - Add mechanism for advanced runtime theming
    [OPENMEETINGS-134] - Themes: Add Color definitions to default-theme.xml 
file and enhance with more color definitions
    [OPENMEETINGS-186] - ReplyTo email address should be set to user email 
    [OPENMEETINGS-266] - ScreenSharing need to be enhanced to enable screen 


    [OPENMEETINGS-7] - Replace lzCalendar with non CPL implementation
    [OPENMEETINGS-32] - Replace JOD Library with own implementation
    [OPENMEETINGS-60] - OpenMeetings Plugin for Atlassian JIRA
    [OPENMEETINGS-70] - There should be a scheduler the does a check for 
test-recordings older then 1 hour and delete them.
    [OPENMEETINGS-74] - Integrate Apache Ivy for dependency management of 
    [OPENMEETINGS-75] - Remove roomtype audience
    [OPENMEETINGS-76] - Remove Event Recording
    [OPENMEETINGS-82] - Atlassian Confluence Integration Plugin
    [OPENMEETINGS-85] - Fix and improve Chat Layout
    [OPENMEETINGS-88] - Fix client side modules structure (delete "Plugins" 
    [OPENMEETINGS-99] - Project restructuring (sources, beans, eclipse)
    [OPENMEETINGS-100] - JabberService should be added to Axis2 services
    [OPENMEETINGS-106] - JabberService is missing in the API Doclet task that 
generates the SOAP/REST API Documentation
    [OPENMEETINGS-109] - Show Number of Unread private messages in the 
dashboard and upgrade layout
    [OPENMEETINGS-110] - Refactor menubar layout and tabbuttons in 
dashboard/rooms/settings section + remove "navisub" table + Fix to use 
"NamedQuery" for main navigation to enable/disable entries in the mainnavi
    [OPENMEETINGS-117] - Refactor Conference Coloring and Layout
    [OPENMEETINGS-124] - Clean Up Splash Screen and unused resources in init
    [OPENMEETINGS-128] - Remove "doc" folder with partly documentated japanese 
documention and fix icon resources that are not needed
    [OPENMEETINGS-147] - The green dot that indicates somebody else is speaking 
produces too many events and is badly performing
    [OPENMEETINGS-160] - Enable sending messages to external users from the 
private messages including invitations to conference rooms and events
    [OPENMEETINGS-169] - Clean up WhiteBoardService to use proper sync methods
    [OPENMEETINGS-173] - CLI needs a check on those params that are "must 
haves" for installation
    [OPENMEETINGS-222] - Enable Keyboard actions to whiteboard (Arrow 
Down|Left|Right|Up [+Shift] and Delete) when object is selected
    [OPENMEETINGS-223] - Hardly anybody knows that you can double click to 
re-edit the text
    [OPENMEETINGS-231] - Update website with new screenshots
    [OPENMEETINGS-236] - Where to put portuguese Brasil.xml.


    [OPENMEETINGS-104] - Error in cyrillic filenames
    [OPENMEETINGS-115] - Installation error
    [OPENMEETINGS-120] - Blank screen on Backup
    [OPENMEETINGS-121] - Share/record screen doesn't work
    [OPENMEETINGS-136] - Duplicate message in Activity section
    [OPENMEETINGS-148] - when I click to button of page, that haven't anything 
    [OPENMEETINGS-155] - record not playing
    [OPENMEETINGS-220] - main.lzx changes (background)
    [OPENMEETINGS-221] - problem: recordings with 1 frame/sec
    [OPENMEETINGS-240] - jod converter error
    [OPENMEETINGS-303] - Can not Export new language


    [OPENMEETINGS-11] - Openmeeting use LDAP as default domain
    [OPENMEETINGS-20] - Add hideWhiteboard attributes in Room Object and make 
it possible to configure / editable via Administration > Rooms
    [OPENMEETINGS-21] - Add hideChat attributes in Room Object and make it 
possible to configure / editable via Administration > Rooms
    [OPENMEETINGS-22] - Add hideActivitiesAndActions attributes in Room Object 
and make it possible to configure / editable via Administration > Rooms
    [OPENMEETINGS-23] - Add hideFilesExplorer attributes in Room Object and 
make it possible to configure / editable via Administration > Rooms
    [OPENMEETINGS-24] - Add hideScreenSharing attributes in Room Object and 
make it possible to configure / editable via Administration > Rooms
    [OPENMEETINGS-78] - datatype of externalUserId
    [OPENMEETINGS-254] - German System Backup garbled text
    [OPENMEETINGS-255] - Possibility to disable Show Sip Dialer in Meeting Room
    [OPENMEETINGS-258] - Combine device settings and audio/video test in single 
    [OPENMEETINGS-262] - Document conversion Windows / Linux different

Maxim aka solomax 

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