i have this message for a mysql install *OpenMeetings - Loading ...* The server is not yet completely initialized. Please try again in a couple of seconds. If this message persists for several minutes contact your Sys-Administration. If that message stays forever you should check the logs located in
openmeetings_install_dir/log folder, probably your database user/pwd/host is wrong! i don't understand here is my persistence.xml <property name="openjpa.ConnectionDriverName" value="org.apache.co$ <property name="openjpa.ConnectionProperties" value="DriverClassName=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver , Url=jdbc:mysql://serveurip:3306/op$ , MaxActive=100 , MaxWait=10000 , TestOnBorrow=true , poolPreparedStatements=true , Username=root , Password=passwordroot/> persistence.xml is in /usr/lib/red5/webapps/openmeetings/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF folder