I found it, works now.

From: Maxim Solodovnik [mailto:solomax...@gmail.com] 
Sent: vrijdag 15 maart 2013 10:58
To: Openmeetings user-list
Subject: Re: centos startup script with daemon

While installing on CentOS I did the following:
1) install start-stop-daemon (via sources)
2) took Ubuntu script and install it via "chkconfig --level 35 red5 on"

On Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at 5:45 PM, Alvaro <zurca...@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Philippe,

In Debian it is so:

update-rc.d red5 defaults

...this is if the OM run script is called red5.
If your is a different name change it.

Is it you mean?



El vie, 15-03-2013 a las 09:20 +0100, Philippe Dhont escribió:
> Hi,
> I Have OM2 installed (on Centos 6.4) and I have a script but it keeps
> OM running on the foregrond.
> Does someone has a script for centos which starts a boot in the
> background ?
> Thanks,
> Philippe
> Ziezo VlaanderenSchenk Online

Maxim aka solomax 

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