Hello Elad,

Thanks for your attitude on fostering and strengthening the product and the

Most of the features  you listed are supported already. Most can benefit
from reliabiity testing and tuning though.

We likely don't have CDN/cluster support of the degree you want, and
meeting room capacities are hard to be reliably calculated because they
depend on network bandwidth.

Please try one of demo servers to check the features you want.
04.03.2013 18:30 пользователь "Eldad Yamin" <elda...@gmail.com> написал:

> Hi everyone,
> My Name is Eldad, and I'm developing a new (free) eLearning platform, base
> on crowd-source.
> At the moment, I'm searching for a tool that can provide me with a
> webinar/eMeeting capabilities - out of the box.
> The project itself is not public yet, but you can take a glimpse here:
> http://demo.universito.com
> The platform already covers all of the following aspects:
>    - Community - complete forum, where teacher and students can interact.
>    - File storage - Teachers and users can upload files for each lesson.
>    can be used for homework, reading materials etc. stored on S3
>    - Test - Teacher can create tests for their students.
>    - Calendar - live lessons can be schedule through the system.
>    - PM - private messaging between users.
>    - Rating - after each lesson the teacher/user are asked to rate each
>    other.
>    - Billing - a teacher set a price to their lessons. the platform gets
>    max of 1USD that will be investe back into the community.
>    - And many more.
> The only thing that's missing, is a webinar, just like OM.
> In order to use it, I'd like to write down the key requirements (that I
> couldn't find in the documents), and if there are not implemented yet - *I'm
> willing to pay* for someone to develop them, and *release those features
> back to the community*.
> Required features (order by priority):
>    - Single-Sign-On - enter my users directly into a meeting, with the
>    right privileges (Teacher/**Student).
>    - API to clone/share content between meetings.
>    - Recording - record a meeting session, include audio/video/screen
>    share etc. and save as a video file or in popcorn's js format.
>    When a recording ends - trigger and HTTP request. Or, a way to pull
>    recording by meeting ID.
>    - Remote storage - I.e S3.
>    - Meeting can hold min of 40 users, with min of 4 video feeds and 1
>    screen share.
>    - Set start/end time for a meeting, must close recording if any exists.
>    - Geo-location - users should connect to their closest cluster instead
>    of the meeting server. that way, strongly linked clusters can "overcome"
>    latency.
>    I guess that this can achieve using proxy servers as well.
>    - auto backup cluster/server.
> Thank you very much for your assistance.

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