JAVA_HOME not JAVA_PATH From: Stephen Cottham [] Sent: 01 March 2013 12:37 To: Subject: RE: Error Missing[556] Either way thou, if he is getting the 556 error message then flash has started; as this too is a flash component so it's not being blocked. The best thing to do here is start again with the basics. * Download the OM binary. * Extract it to C:\red5 * Make sure the JAVA_PATH is set * Run the red5.bat file * Go to http://localhost:5080/openmeetings/install * Follow the steps. This will start using the built in DB - don't worry about mysql or any of the convertors, let's get the OM base working first then build upon that. If he has installed local and accessing via localhost then he is not being blocked by a firewall. He can confirm what ports are listening using netstat. I've literally just done this on a test machine and took 10 minutes and its running. Best Regards From: Kamran Asif [] Sent: 01 March 2013 12:30 To: Subject: Re: Error Missing[556] sorry i have written java its flash .....thank you correcting me ... On Fri, Mar 1, 2013 at 5:17 PM, Stephen Cottham <> wrote: He is running this local on his machine from memory. And it runs Flash. From: Kamran Asif [] Sent: 01 March 2013 12:16 To: Subject: Re: Error Missing[556] in my opinion it is related to firewall or web browser is blocking java contens..or script...... if you open your browser and it cant recevied any thing it show this error.....i dont think it related to DB or SQL error. On Fri, Mar 1, 2013 at 5:04 PM, George Kirkham <> wrote: Aysha, Thanks for the log files, but I cannot find any error messages in the logs. Nothing that seems to relate to the errors that you mention, "" NetConnection.Connect Failed". Error. Missing[556] Error Missing [642]." Are you not able to find any entries in the log that belong to these errors? Thanks, George Kirkham Stephen Cottham Group IT Manager (Associate) Robert Bird Group Level 5, 333 Ann St Brisbane, Queensland, 4000, Australia Phone: +6173 319 2777 <tel:%2B6173%20319%202777> (AUS) Phone: +44207 633 2880 <tel:%2B44207%C2%A0633%202880> (UK) Fax: +6173 319 2799 <tel:%2B6173%20319%202799> Mobile: +61400 756 963 <tel:%2B61400%20756%20963> (AUS) Mobile: +447900 918 616 <tel:%2B447900%20918%20616> (UK) Web: <> <> This email and any attachments are confidential and may contain legally privileged information or copyright material. Unless expressly stated, confidentiality and/or legal privilege is not intended to be waived by the sending of this email. The contents of this email, including any attachments, are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you are not an intended recipient, please contact us immediately by return email and then delete both messages. You may not otherwise read, forward, copy, use or disclose this email or any attachments. Any views expressed in this email are those of the individual sender except where the sender expressly, and with authority, states otherwise. It is your responsibility to check any attachments for viruses or defects before opening or sending them on. None of the sender or its related entities accepts any liability for any consequential damage resulting from this email containing computer viruses. Disclaimer added by CodeTwo Exchange Rules <> From: Aysha Saddiqa [] Sent: Friday, 1 March 2013 5:42 PM To: Subject: Re: Error Missing[556] The log files are attached. Please view the files and let me know what issue cause this error. ________________________________ From: George Kirkham <> To: Sent: Friday, March 1, 2013 10:24 AM Subject: RE: Error Missing[556] Aysha, Was Kamran able to assist you? Can you find the reports for this error in your red5\log files ? If so can you please email us a number of the lines around the error so we can see what could be causing the issue. What ports are you using for OpenMeetings, the standard 5080, 8088, and 1935 ports ? Kamran, How did you resolve this issue when you had it? Thanks, George Kirkham From: Aysha Saddiqa [] Sent: Friday, 1 March 2013 3:34 PM To: Subject: Re: Error Missing[556] Hi, I also having the problem of "NetCoonection.Connect Failed". Error Missing[556] Error Missing[642]. Have you solved it? ________________________________ From: Kamran Asif <> To:; Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2013 8:20 PM Subject: Error Missing[556] Hello All, I have two qustions. please help me 1. Can you tell me how to change help and support links listed below the profile picture. 2. When i access my system to test the link. My web brower shows " NetConnection.Connect Failed". Error. Missing[556] Error Missing [642]. word document file is enclosed with this email showing about the error waiting for your kind reply Best regards, Stephen Cottham Group IT Manager (Associate) Robert Bird Group Level 5, 333 Ann St Brisbane, Queensland, 4000, Australia Phone: +6173 319 2777 (AUS) Phone: +44207 633 2880 (UK) Fax: +6173 319 2799 Mobile: +61400 756 963 (AUS) Mobile: +447900 918 616 (UK) Web: This email and any attachments are confidential and may contain legally privileged information or copyright material. Unless expressly stated, confidentiality and/or legal privilege is not intended to be waived by the sending of this email. The contents of this email, including any attachments, are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you are not an intended recipient, please contact us immediately by return email and then delete both messages. You may not otherwise read, forward, copy, use or disclose this email or any attachments. Any views expressed in this email are those of the individual sender except where the sender expressly, and with authority, states otherwise. It is your responsibility to check any attachments for viruses or defects before opening or sending them on. None of the sender or its related entities accepts any liability for any consequential damage resulting from this email containing computer viruses. Disclaimer added by CodeTwo Exchange Rules