

This is my understanding regarding OpenMeetings version.


There is stable release OpenMeetings 2.0 (which you said you are
currently using), and development version 2.1 which is currently
undergoing many revisions.


Soon the OpenMeetings team will deliver version 2.1, which I assume will
allow development to move to version 2.2.


If you are able, it could be worthwhile for you to build a version 2.1,
test and report any issues.  I am currently attempting to do this myself
(I have finally, after much time, managed to get my personal prod/dev
server environment up and running again, it had been lacking space for
building virtual servers).


I am hoping that people will document all the changes from 2.0 to 2.1 as
I believe there has been quite a few changes/updates made, even if the
general appearance is mostly the same.




George Kirkham




From: Bobby Murdock [] 
Sent: Friday, 1 March 2013 5:00 AM
Subject: Openmeetings Version


Please advise on current available versions of openmeetings.  I
currently have Version 2.0 and would like to know if a newer version is



Bobby Murdock

GSC IT Deptartment

Network Engineer/ Internet Analyst

804.320.7101 ext 249


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