my list:

1) HTML5 whiteboard
2) faster screen sharing
3) wicketstuff-poi for HTML5 document sharing (otherwise we should use
images somehow)
4) Apache compatible wysiwyg editor Wicket component (to be used in


On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 5:16 AM, <> wrote:

> Regarding point No2:
> Compression ratio in the screensharing is somehow limited to the available
> codecs we can use.
> We can use SHA1 and SHA2 (Adobe Screen Sharing Codec).
> I think we currently use SHA1, SHA2 might be a nice project for a student
> that is interested in coding some codec.
> And I think we can provide a reference implementation somewhere.
> I think this project has good chances and a well defined scope.
> @Daniel: Screenshot tool is also a nice idea, but it would end up to be
> part of the screensharing Web-Start application. Is that what you intend to
> propose?
> Sebastian
> 2013/2/12 <>
> Hi Ed,
>> thanks for your ideas.
>> About idea no 1:
>> That is an interesting idea, however it won't be possible that you
>> provide a "free to choose" bandwidth for each user.
>> The background is: Every stream that any client consumes has to be
>> created somewhere.
>> So what could be realized is that every stream that is broadcasted from
>> one user via webcam to Red5/OpenMeetings will be re-transcoded into
>> multiple streams (high, middle, low) bandwidth.
>> So there might be some limitations to that:
>>  - "high" quality will never be better then the original material. We
>> can't make a picture better then the original. So all re-transcoding will
>> only make the original to lower quality, never to higher.
>>  - Re-transcoding has to happen on the server side (and number of streams
>> are limited, we can't provide a stream on the required bandwidth
>> "on-demand" for each user, or only with very big effort)
>>  - it will require real-time transcoding on server side which is possible
>> with FFMPEG and some integration into Red5. But we would need a very
>> specialized student that is keen and very motiviated as there is hardly any
>> documentation on that available in the internet.
>> What a project makes a success is if all participant know the potential
>> outcome and the tools and methods that are needed to realize that. I would
>> be happy to put this project on our list but it will be difficult to find
>> somebody with the needed skills.
>> Sebastian
>> 2013/2/12 BBS Technik <>
>>> Hi all,
>>> I think, one of the gratest liminations for satisfactory video
>>> conferencing with om is the limited bandwidth of internet connections of
>>> the clients .
>>> Therefore I would like to suggest the following ideas for a GSoC project
>>> :
>>> 1. The image size of the videos transferred from the om server to the
>>> clients should be adapted to the video window size set in the recipient
>>> client.
>>> Thus the recipient client itself could influence the transferred amount
>>> of data to it.
>>> Then all the participants achieve the best possible result for them.
>>> 2. A second proposal concerns that the screensharing  bandwidth
>>> requirements has an great impact on the overall quality of the video
>>> conference.
>>> Here, in a project the existing function of sreen sharing could be
>>> expanded and enhanced.
>>> For example, the possibility for the transfer on only one application
>>> window, regardless of its size.
>>> Or the possibility of shared browsing with a locally installed browser.
>>> Moreover, certainly an improvement of the used compression method would
>>> be a very good project topic.
>>> I would be  happy if the subject of bandwidth consumption would plays a
>>> role in the selected GSoC project .
>>> Best regards
>>> Ed
>>> -------- Original-Nachricht --------
>>> > Datum: Tue, 12 Feb 2013 08:44:54 +1300
>>> > Von: "" <>
>>> > An: dev <>
>>> > CC:
>>> > Betreff: GSoC project ideas wanted
>>> > Google Summer of Code is about to start soon!
>>> > Google sponsors every student with 4500USD. Plus 500 for the Apache
>>> > Foundation.
>>> >
>>> > We are searching for ideas what porential students can do.
>>> > Ideas from Non-Developers are welcome too!
>>> >
>>> > We will add the ideas to JIRA then with a special label so students can
>>> > find it.
>>> >
>>> > Sebastian
>> --
>> Sebastian Wagner
> --
> Sebastian Wagner

Maxim aka solomax

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