Hello George,

thats what I did.

Thank you,

> Michael,
> Unless things have changed, using a packaged ffmpeg will not fully work,
> you have to compile it as per Stephen's instructions.
> ************************************************************************
> ***************
> Step 6: Compile and Install ffmpeg (1.1.2)
> Let's go back to our temporary working area
> Let's make our temporary working area
> cd /usr/adm
> Download, compile and install ffmpeg by issuing these commands:
> wget http://ffmpeg.org/releases/ffmpeg-1.1.2.tar.gz
> tar -zxvf ffmpeg-1.1.2.tar.gz
> cd ffmpeg-1.1.2
> ./configure --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libxvid --enable-libvorbis
> --enable-libgsm \
> --enable-libfaac --enable-gpl --enable-nonfree
> make
> checkinstall
> N.B - You will be asked a series of question towards the end of the
> install, press return
> for each to continue.
> Once that has completed you can now test it by issuing the following:
> ffmpeg -version
> Which should give you the following output:
> ffmpeg-1.1.2
> ************************************************************************
> ***************
> Thanks,
> George Kirkham
> -----Original Message-----
> From: michael.wut...@eledia.de [mailto:michael.wut...@eledia.de]
> Sent: Saturday, 9 February 2013 12:39 AM
> To: user@openmeetings.apache.org
> Subject: RE: ffmpeg-package from deb-multimedia.org for OM 2.x
> Hello,
> now it works for me (OM 2.0 with debian squeeze 64bit). I installed the
> latest Version of ffmpeg and marked the package as 6:1.1.2. ;-)
> But there is still one problem. I made a recording of a live-classroom
> and the recordning was playable/visible in the webfrontend but not the
> download version, neither the avi- nor the flv-file was playable. I only
> saw a black screen.
> Have you any idea?
> Thank you very much,
> Michael
> when you do checkinstall you must modify the default version.
> For example, the package version on Ubuntu server 12.04 is 4:0.8.5 Using
> checkinstall on 0.11.2 source gives a version 0.11.2 You must modify it
> to be 4:0.11.2 Next time you update your packages, ffmpeg installed
> version won't be downgraded.
>> The latest guide I just uploaded also uses 1.1.2 and compiles fine on
>> Debian.
>> I'll add a section on the guide for people to change the version when
>> using checkinstall.
>> Cheers

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