How would I implement to stream a file that is not a page attachment? I'm implementing an image upload and retrieval facility, and need to display a link to an image that is stored on disk.
I thought DynamicAttachment might be the way to go, but I can neither get it create the correct link (creates something like "/attach/fileName", with "fileName" being the one I supplied when creating the dynamic attachment) which results in a 404. DynamicAttachment dynAtt = new DynamicAttachment(context.getEngine(), context.getPage().getName(), fileName, uploadProvider); dynAtt.setCacheable(false); dynAtt.setLastModified(context.getPage().getLastModified()); AttachmentManager attMgr = context.getEngine().getManager(AttachmentManager.class); attMgr.storeDynamicAttachment(context, dynAtt); where the uploadProvider does nothing more than public InputStream getAttachmentData (Context context, Attachment att) throws ProviderException, IOException { Path filePath = Paths.get(uploadDir, att.getFileName()); return Files.newInputStream(filePath); } But anyway, dynamic attachments do not seem to get stored, making the entire scheme unworkable. Is there any other way to stream files? Thanks Ulf