Hello !

Currently we have allowed anonymous access (only view) and set the permissions in the pages. This allows us to limit access from Anonymous.

So far everything is fine, but I now have to change our policy. We must explicitly specify the pages that are publicly (anonymous access) allowed.

e.g. for OLD-Page:

* to protect a  side we did it with  e.g.
[{ALLOW edit grdev }]

Without an ACL, public access is allowed (but without write permission).

I have to change that now, that I explicitly allow the page.
e.g. possibly like this?

*  To allow public access
 [{ALLOW view  ALL }]

Without ACL you have to be authenticated!

Unfortunately, it is not clear to me how I can set this in jspwiki.policy. All my attempts have failed so far.

My used documentation:

Any tip is welcome.
Nice greetings,

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