Hi Gary,

that's a good idea! I don't know what Confluence understands as excerpt. I
know it has some macro to mark some section of the page, so you can include
excerpts of pages on other pages, but surely that's not what it's shown on
the Content by Label macro. ReferringPagesPlugin currently only stores page
references, so either we store the first N characters of the page as
metadata and make page requests to grab the first N characters, or we store
them on memory, along with the page references.

In memory would increase memory usage (most probably it would still be ok)
and would entail a page request for each reference, and we'd have to sync
with page saves. OTOH, having the excerpt as metadata would allow third
party plugins/filters/etc. to work with them, but most probably we would
want to cache it to avoid page metadata requests. May be something
in-between :-?

Would you mind filing a jira issue for this?

thanks + best regards,
juan pablo

On Fri, Sep 23, 2022 at 5:01 PM Gary Kephart <gary_keph...@pobox.com> wrote:

> Have you considered displaying excerpts along with the page name/link
> for the ReferringPagesPlugin ? It's something I could use. See
> https://encyclopaedia-wot.org/Wiki.jsp?page=Warder for an example. I'd
> like to use ReferringPagesPlugin but don't want to lose that extra
> information that I'm displaying.
> I know Confluence has that ability with their Content By Label. They
> even have named excerpts, but I don't know if I need that.
> Thanks,
>    Gary
> --
> Gary Kephart
> Facebook: gary.kephart
> Twitter: @garykephart
> "The penalty that good men pay for not being interested in politics is to
> be governed by lesser men." -- Plato.

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