It's been a while since I've posted, so excuse me while I catch up. I'm
creating a CategoryHeirarchyPlugin that will display a nested list of
categories for a site, with root categories at the highest level of the
list. There's some issues I'm facing.
I'm using Wildfly and this is part of a Wildfly module ("org.ewot").
1. There used to be a engine.textToHTML() method, but I'm not seeing
it. I was hoping to fill a StringBuilder with JSPWiki elements like
"** [CategoryName]" and have that method turn it into real HTML, but
now that seems unlikely unless you know of a different way?
2. I''m getting this on startup of Wildfly:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed to link
com/jspwiki/extensions/plugin/CategoryHeirarchyPlugin (Module
"org.ewot" from local module loader @3fb6a447 (finder: local module
finder @79b4d0f (roots:
Gary Kephart
Facebook: gary.kephart
Twitter: @garykephart
"The penalty that good men pay for not being interested in politics is to be
governed by lesser men." -- Plato.