I have a page that takes over 30 seconds to load. I've no doubt that this is due to the 2200+ page links it has in it. It seems as though there's still something that I could do to decrease that time.

I have "jspwiki.usePageCache = true" in my jspwiki-custom.properties.

I have tried to use ReferringPagesPlugin and tagging sets of the referenced pages together using categories, like "Category A Character" and "Category B Character". That would reduce the page to just 26 calls to the ReferringPagesPlugin. But when adding 3-4 of those, it seemed to make the page loading even longer.

Here's the page:


Any ideas?


Gary Kephart
Facebook: gary.kephart
Twitter: @garykephart

"The penalty that good men pay for not being interested in politics is to be 
governed by lesser men." -- Plato.

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