On Java 17 support, what does that actually mean? We are using the official Flink 1.20 image, which is based on Java JRE 17 and in the config file we must specify a ton of those module exports, like “--add-exports=java.base/sun.net.util=ALL-UNNAMED”.
That tells me that Flink codebase does not really support Java 9+, but we can circumvent restrictions imposed by the Java Jigsaw project (introduced in Java 9, if I recall correctly). Are there features of Java 17 that are explicitly used by Flink or can be used in customer’s Flink jobs? Are there plans to rework Flink code so that we do not need to add all those JRE options to open up module exports? Best regards Nix From: Zhanghao Chen <zhanghao.c...@outlook.com> Date: Monday, January 6, 2025 at 7:35 AM To: Anuj Jain <anuj...@gmail.com>, Xuyang <xyzhong...@163.com> Cc: user@flink.apache.org <user@flink.apache.org> Subject: Re: Java 17 support in Flink Hi Anuj, 1. JDK17 support: I have no idea why Java 17 support is "expreimental", but we've been using JDK17 in production for a while and no major issues found. 1. End of support timeline Flink 1.20 LTS release: 1.20 will be supported for approximately two years [1][2]. [1] https://lists.apache.org/thread/qvw66of180t3425pnqf2mlx042zhlgnn [2] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLINK/FLIP-458%3A+Long-Term+Support+for+the+Final+Release+of+Apache+Flink+1.x+Line Best, Zhanghao Chen ________________________________ From: Anuj Jain <anuj...@gmail.com> Sent: Sunday, January 5, 2025 20:27 To: Xuyang <xyzhong...@163.com> Cc: user@flink.apache.org <user@flink.apache.org> Subject: Re: Java 17 support in Flink Hi Community, Any suggestions on these queries. Regards Anuj On Mon, Dec 23, 2024 at 8:10 AM Anuj Jain <anuj...@gmail.com<mailto:anuj...@gmail.com>> wrote: Hi, Please suggest if 1. Flink 2.0 will have experimental or full support of Java 17. If it is experimental, any idea in which 2.x release Java 17 support is targeted. I referred to the following page which mentioned default Java 11 but experimental support of Java 17. So wanted to know, if we should use Java 17 will Flink 2.0 https://nightlies.apache.org/flink/flink-docs-release-2.0-preview1/docs/deployment/java_compatibility/#java-17 2. What will be the end of support timeline Flink 1.20 LTS release. Regards Anuj On Wed, Dec 18, 2024 at 9:04 AM Anuj Jain <anuj...@gmail.com<mailto:anuj...@gmail.com>> wrote: Hi, Thanks for the response. Requesting some clarification here - Flink 2.0 would have Java 11 set as default version but can i compile and deploy/run my Flink applications with Java 17. Will it be a supported deployment? I checked from the documentation https://nightlies.apache.org/flink/flink-docs-release-2.0-preview1/docs/deployment/java_compatibility/#java-17 Does Flink 2.0 have experimental support for Java 17 ? If yes, any plans to introduce Java 17 as a supported platform for Flink in future ? Regards Anuj On Wed, Dec 18, 2024 at 8:11 AM Xuyang <xyzhong...@163.com<mailto:xyzhong...@163.com>> wrote: Hi, Anuj. Share some of what I know. As far as I know, flink 1.20, being an LTS release, will focus solely on fixing critical bugs without introducing any changes related to JDK. In flink 2.0, support for JDK 8 will be dropped, and JDK 11 will be set as the default version. By the way, there was earlier discussion about dropping support for both JDK 8 and JDK 11 in version 2.0, with JDK 17 set as the new default version; however, this was put on hold for certain reasons. For more details, please refer to 2.0-release[1]. [1] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLINK/2.0+Release#id-2.0Release-TimelinePlan -- Best! Xuyang At 2024-12-17 15:42:54, "Anuj Jain" <anuj...@gmail.com<mailto:anuj...@gmail.com>> wrote: Hi, Will Flink 2.0 support Open JDK - Java 17 ? And Is there any plan for adding Java 17 support in the Flink 1.x series ? All I could see in the documentation is that Java 17 experimental support is there. Thanks in advance for any help !! Regards Anuj